Bablos token proves to be the best investment both for crypto and fiat money

Bablos ENG
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2018

Last week was a disaster for crypto investors. We all heard the joke about a coma induced guy waking up in 2030 to hear the nurse saying that Bitcoin is still $6,400. Well, this is no longer applicable (and definitely not funny); the market, led by The Digital Father went down by good 30% with some coins losing 50% or more.

There was no clear explanation for the turmoil. Some, like respected Bloomberg, blame another round of US SEC attempts to defraud the market by opening yet another investigation against ICO operators and decentralized exchanges. Some, mostly regular traders, speculate around alleged activity of market manipulative “whales” (the biggest investors) who, pairing with the Wall Street money, are opening a price window of opportunities to institutional players entering the market.

It doesn’t matter what caused the decline. What matters is the crypto holders (and HODLers, if you find this slang term more accurate) faced their assets melting by a third, compared to fiat basis. And, at current levels, they see no guaranteed option to recover this loss.

Well, the answer is here: buying into Bablos gives you exposure to fiat centered project with crypto nominated entrance and highly probable return of 40% or more.

The main logic is reasonably simple: Bablos price is fixed in Ethereum which (Brama almighty!) went from c.$200 to roughly $135 over the last week. The token sale proceeds are used to produce the Empire V movie. It will be released globally and token holders will get their proportional share of broadcasting collections. This is a clear example of convergence between crypto and real production sector everyone in the industry dreamed of: you digital money nominated in underlying digital asset price and invested in physical world with actual product output.

We are happy to skip on paragraphs and pages of detailed explanations and want to make a reference to the open calculator produced by one of our followers, Sun Crypto. The beauty of this google.doc spreadsheet is that you can play with your own numbers and make your argument based investment conclusion, so go have a peek. At current prices and with basic estimates, the model delivers an astonishing return of 133%.

Investing with fiat (aka “regular”) money is a different story. During our extended talks with supporters from all over the world we came to realize that some regions, namely Latin America, are still facing serious difficulties in buying crypto assets legally. In some countries even access to peer-to-peer exchange services is limited.

Again, Bablos is the solution here. With WebMoney Transfer assistance, we made it possible to legally buy tokens with VISA or MasterCard payment. As the token has already been approved for listing at EXMO exchange, buying Bablos effectively gives you an entrance into crypto world. That is a fully legitimate, transparent and official gateway to tokens and coins where you can report your purchase and fill it your tax statement if you want to.

So, Bablos proves to be a “safe haven” both for damaged crypto owners and fiat nominated investor. More details are available at the tokensale site; move fast and don’t miss this opportunity!

You can buy Bablos on the official web site of the campaign

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Bablos ENG
Editor for

ICO campaign to support the film adaptationa of the EMPIRE V novel by Victor Pelevin