Introducing Zarin

Zarin Rahman
Babson Germany
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2024


My name is Zarin Rahman, and I am a current sophomore here at Babson College. I was born and raised in New York City, more specifically the borough of Queens and love exploring different cultures and immersing myself into the different foods, traditions, etc. That they have to offer. This may be due to me growing up in one of the world’s biggest melting pots where everyone’s backgrounds are so diverse.

I am taking this course because it intersects my interests in culture, sustainability, and the ways of the economy. When it comes to us humans and the way we behave through consumption and wealth, I think a big factor to look at is sustainability. Here in the U.S., we tackle on challenges every day to become better and greener versions of ourselves and I would love to see how one of the leading Western European countries do it. Something that motivated me to apply was the diverse cities and areas of Germany we were visiting to study. We get to see the political economy from a major city, from a more suburban region, and so much more.

I’m looking most forward to exploring the topic of Social Sustainability. This is because while we can look at the history and logistics of the countries policies and actions, we get a feel of a citizen’s perspective on the sustainable acts and how differently it affects everyone. We get to learn a lot more about the average citizen in Germany and how they identity with the polices and their views on sustainability rather than looking at a government.

The place I am most looking forward to visiting is Stuttgart. This is because it is known as the manufacturing hub, and we will be visiting the Mercedes-Benz Museum, which is something I am interested in learning more about. I have also seen that it is a bustling city, there is lots of nature and beauty incorporated to make it feel more fascinating.

One thing I am wondering about is how different each city will feel to visitors like us. Will one city be more accommodating than another or feel more like home? That is something I am excited to experience and take in.

I am excited to meet everyone and looking forward to learning great knowledge and making great memories!

Bis Bald.


