A thank you letter to Dr. Kreibich

Zarin Rahman
Babson Germany
Published in
2 min readFeb 29, 2024

Dear Consul General Dr. Kreibich,

I hope this letter finds you well. I know you had another obligation you had to attend this evening but chose to be here with us and I am very grateful and appreciative of your appearance. I want to personally thank you for your insight and knowledge on the many sectors of Germany.

I feel that as a speaker and someone who grew up in Germany, you gave us a lot of valuable perspectives and thoughts into German politics, economics, and sustainability.

Furthermore, I really appreciate your openness in communicating with us and your patient, clear answers to our questions. Your unique experience as an individual enriched the conversation and gave perceptive information on the nuances of Germany.

I was especially intrigued by the German policy on in-home heaters that you mentioned. It was something I had not known of before and really caught my eye on how miscommunication in policymaking can create tons of consequences from citizen unrest to protests. Who would have known that the misinterpretation of a policy mandating the German citizens to change their fossil fueled heaters to heat pumps would cause so much uproar?

You brought up an interesting point that while many German citizens fight for sustainability and have this sentiment of clean energy, some are hesitant and rigid when it means they must use their own money for it. It really brings me to explore the human psychology of it and how deep the sentiment may run in some people.

I was very fascinated by the perspectives and information you presented to us today. It made me even more excited to be able to have the opportunity to visit Germany and its rich culture and history. I want to thank you once again for this opportunity and wish you the best! (I also will remember not to wait in a 1-hour line for food from a tourist attraction that can be bought anywhere else).


Zarin Rahman

