Babson Germany
Published in
2 min readFeb 29, 2024


Dear Dr. Kreibich,

Thank you so much for taking the time to come speak with us about Germany and its sustainable impact. Your knowledge and expertise were very pivotal to my understanding of Germany’s history. What really stood out to me was the conversation about energy usage and the rise of the Green Party. The act of shutting down 3 nuclear plants demonstrates Germany’s effect on making the country greener. I find it amazing how much power and influence the Green Party has had on Germany’s call to protect the environment. It made me reflect on the US and its take on sustainability. The United States does not put in the effort to make the country sustainable. Our carbon footprint is unbelievable!! There is so much that we, as a country, could do, but since our priorities aren’t about saving the world, it gets pushed aside. For example, there are only two trash bins, a black bin for all types of trash and a blue one for recyclable items. But no one really uses the blue bins. Meanwhile, Germany has several trash bins designated for different items! Germany is more like Greenamy! The simple act of adding additional trash bins can change the way America operates. I admire the passion and determination that the Green Party had. It amazes me how a group of people can have such an impact on a country. It made me re-think about the way I am sustainable and if I am even doing enough.

A question that I had was how can other countries reach Germany’s level of sustainability. What should countries start doing to become greener and help protect the environment?

Thank you,


