Germans and their Bicycles

Babson Germany
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2024

Bicycles. It is a simple type of transportation, yet it accounts for 70.26% of Germany’s new export products. Over the last 20 years, Germany has been increasing its net gross exports faster than any other country in the bicycle industry. Due to the 2020 pandemic, Germans lost access to most of their transportation and that’s when the birth of bicycles was born. Germany saw an opportunity to produce and sell bicycles. Bicycles provided Germans with the cheapest and easiest sources of transportation while being the most sustainable. Bikes offer an environmentally friendly type of transportation, cutting carbon emissions. Germany is highly known for their acts of keeping their country a sustainable one which explains why there was such a need for bicycles. Even Porsche hopped on the boat and started selling bicycles.

Due to the high price of oil, bicycles have started to gain popularity all around. After the pandemic, people started to fear public transportation, and there was a high demand. With Germany already acting with caution about polluting the around, they started exporting their goods. The majority of Germany’s bicycles are being sold to EU and EFTA countries. The European streets are often narrower, making driving through these streets difficult. In 2020, Germany’s current gross export was $742M and as of 2021, their gross export increased to $785M. Looks like their net gross export is pedaling its way to the top (haha)!

