Introducing Connor

Connor Raney
Babson Germany
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2024

I am Connor! I am a sophomore double concentrating in quantitative analysis and business analytics and I’m from Fairfield, CT!


I am super excited to take this course as it ties into my love of numbers and my interests in economics, sustainability, and knowledge of politics & the workings of other places around the world. This course brings together a bunch of my different interests and looked very fun from all the pictures Prof. Wong posted of past trips! It caught my attention and I thought it would be great to spend break learning and doing something fun, which is of course better than sitting at home!!! I am most excited to learn about the way that public opinion, interest groups, & institutions lead the way for Germany to change its climate change and renewable energy policies around their country, and to see how they differ from the way that our country works. I haven’t gotten too into the details of the processes around politics in other countries, so I think it will be super exciting to do this, especially with the topic at hand, for Germany.

Me in Berlin this past summer!

I am most excited to hopefully visit one of the car companies as we don’t really have too many super cool and famous car companies here in the US, plus German cars are awesome, duh! Hopefully we get to go to one of them and have a super cool tour of a German car company!

I’m super curious about how much influence companies have with their dollars (specifically the one’s that benefit from fossil fuels, non-renewable energy, etc.) and how they are able to affect policymaking in Germany! Here in the US these types of companies have a massive influence with politicians and policymaking, so I am wondering if they have the same magnitude of effect that they have in the US!

Overall I am so happy to be going on this trip and can’t wait to get to know you all better & have a fun time in Germany!

See you all soon!


