Introducing Julissa

Babson Germany
2 min readMar 4, 2024


Hello! My name is Julissa, and I am a sophomore at Babson College. I am from Lawrence, Massachusetts. I love to paint; however, I don’t consider myself an artist. 99% of the time, my paintings end up being a black canvas with some white dots. Other than that, I love to go on hikes and walks. I find them to be very relaxing and it’s a nice way to be in touch with nature.

Many factors motivated me to apply to this course. The first one is that Germany has long been linked to WWII, and I was initially taught to associate the country solely with that historical period. My US history course in 8th grade was surrounded by the idea that the Germans were bad and they could only be taught with WWII. Growing up, my parents have always taught me to broaden my horizons when it came to learning about other cultures. They expressed the importance of always learning and to always question (to a certain extent) information that is passed along. I found it very interesting when Professor Wong talked about Germany and he made it clear that there is more to it. This course is the best way to learn more about Germany and its practices. Often, we only think about a country’s pain and suffering. We never are taught about their success and their upbringing, only if it’s America.

Sustainability has become a very important topic nowadays. I always wonder what other countries are doing to combat this ongoing issue. This is a topic that I am interested in learning more about. In addition, I look forward to learning about Germany’s economic status, more specifically after WWII. I am very curious to learn about the ways Germany was able to rebuild itself and get the economy flowing to where it once was. My question is what industries play a significant role in the economy?

I am very excited to see every part of Germany. I have not traveled outside the United States. I am thrilled to leave the country for the first time!

