Introducing Raul

Raul Dana
Babson Germany
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2024

Guten Tag!

My name is Raul Dana.

I am a sophomore at Babson and have lived in New York City most of my life. However, I am originally from North Cyprus which is a very small island in the Mediterranean Sea. I enjoy playing football (soccer) and basketball with my friends in my free time. I also like traveling to different places and getting to meet people from completely different backgrounds. In terms of the business world I am interested in finance and economics, but at the moment I am still undecided with a concentration.

I was in Prof. Wong’s micro class last year which is where I first heard about this course. I decided to apply as I believe that this course has many great opportunities that I otherwise would not be able to access on my own. I am also very interested in getting to learn more about how a country like Germany with such a large economy is incorporating sustainability. As business students we don’t always think about topics like sustainability and climate change but at the end of the day this is our future. I am very excited to hear from members of the German parliament about how sustainability has changed the political landscape.

I’ve also never been to Germany so I am excited to just explore. We will also be going to multiple cities which will help me see a more holistic picture of the country. I am particularly interested in going inside museums and factories like Airbus to learn more about the history of the country. I would also love the chance to go to a football match if we have the time as I’ve heard the fan culture is amazing there.

Something that I am wondering is how prevalent the Turkish population is in different cities, as I speak Turkish.

