Introducing Sofia

Sofia Caffer
Babson Germany
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2024


My name is Sofia and I am currently a sophomore at Babson. I grew up at Sao Paulo, Brazil but as my mom is from Italy and my dad is from Portugal, I grew up visiting these countries to connect with my family. This experience — combined with the fact that I lived in Sao Paulo, which is the home for a large number of immigrants — sparked my interest in understanding more about different cultures. Regarding my studies, as of right now, I am concentrating in Operations Management and potentially concentrating in Economics as well.

As I grew up in Brazil, I always heard a lot of debates regarding the Amazon Rainforest, so I became very interested in Sustainability from a young age. And considering that Brazil can be a very politically unstable country, it was evident to see how politics can affect the way a country views and practices sustainability. Therefore, I was very interested to take this class to understand more how politics can affect a country’s sustainable practices.

I am looking forward to the visit at the Red City Hall of Berlin as I am fascinated about the politics in German.

Lastly, I was wondering about their view on ESG and if some companies are speculating how to “measure” the sustainable practices they practice.

I am sooo looking forward to visiting Germany!!!



