Reaction to Ina

Andrew Vaillancourt
Babson Germany
Published in
1 min readFeb 22, 2024

Ina’s story of growing up in East Germany is heartwrenching. She was considered very well off and still, at times, could not afford the bare minimum to survive. Her views and beliefs are forced to be hidden because of being caught by the government, and she learned to live a double life. No child should be forced to be indoctrinated into any system, and it is horrible that she had to experience that hardship. being forced to say what the government wanted instead of learning to be a critical thinker. The shiny light was she did not understand as a child how bad her life was because she did not know any better. It was interesting hearing how the fall of the wall was a good experience, as well as meeting people from the West who accepted them with open arms and were the same people separated because of politics. It was interesting to learn that the effect of all the young people moving away from the East has affected the region and made it poorer today compared to the best and that none of the 40 top companies in Germany are run in the East.

