Write for us

What we’re looking for and how to send it

Baby Adult
2 min readJan 2, 2020


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Baby Adult is a baby publication, so these guidelines will change in the future.

What we’re looking for

Baby Adult is about solidarity in the “figuring it all out” part of life. Do you have a personal story about overcoming a particularly mundane challenge? We want the mundane. We want tips for the average person going into their lives. Productivity, parenting, marketing, writing, love, home decor, whatever it is that you’re figuring out as you go — please share it with us.

Work should be mostly grammatically correct (though stylistic liberties are allowed) and at the moment we only want nonfiction. This can be in the form of lists, how-to guides, personal essays, journalism — just as long as it’s nonfiction. As a poet, I know this can be frustrating, but this isn’t the place for fiction or poetry at this time. Please submit unpublished drafts as you would any other publication.

Please only use images that you have permission to use. Medium’s built-in Unsplash partnership gives you plenty of options for photos.

At the moment, if you want to write for us, please leave your Medium username in the comments of this post. You will be added as a writer. We will not publish every piece that we receive, but strive to publish at least three pieces daily (so initially, your odds are good) and will go up from there.

I’ll be looking for another editor to help me along, but until then, thanks for joining me and I’m excited to read your work!



Baby Adult

Poet, vegetarian, outspoken about lgbt issues and sustainability. Find me making things on instagram @decomposit.ion and @recomposit.ion