Smile-Stealing Small Talk With a Little Boy

The kind of talk parents want to remember over the years.

Adelina Vasile
Baby Steps In Big Shoes


Photo by Matthew Osborn on Unsplash

A list in progress, from the newest to the oldest.

I ruined Christmas for my child. Or not…? 🎅

On a torrid August night, we’re listening to a Christmas bedtime story.

As we toss between the melting sheets, Matthew’s voice pierces through: 🧑‍

-Is it true that parents put presents under the tree? Is there no Santa? 🎄

-What do you think, Matthew? I ask sheepishly. 🐑

-Yeah, I think it’s the parents.

-And how do you feel about that?

-It makes me really sad. 😞

(This is where I silently freak out in my head 😱, thinking I ruined my child’s Christmas by not entertaining this whole North Pole Santa thing.)

-Why is that? Why would you want Santa to be real?

-Because if Santa was real, we wouldn’t have to pay for the presents ourselves.


Matthew wants a little sister 😕

He asked it specifically, on a late afternoon when he was gulping at his snack.



Adelina Vasile
Baby Steps In Big Shoes

Mother, educator, journalist, copywriter. I write about the things I need to learn myself.