My experience as a Team Assistant for the Platform Engineering Tribe.

Babylon DevRel
Babylon Engineering
3 min readMar 11, 2020

By Natalie Kent, Team Assistant - Platform Engineering

This is: Natalie Kent

Starting a new job can be challenging, especially when you are completely changing industry and going from a large company to a startup. I have a finance background and have contracted for many years, some might have called me a career contractor, it was easy for me, but I was tired of it. I needed a change, I needed a challenge, I needed to be part of something amazing and most of all I needed a home.

So I went to great effort to look for the perfect job, but this time was different, I was being super fussy and I wasn’t going to settle for second best. After 6 months of looking and a lot of blood, sweat and tears I finally found “The One!”


I have always had an interest in technology, I did some coding in college so I was excited about working within the engineering department and I was also very excited about the newly created role, building and owning it.

Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

The first 90 days

Being a Team Assistant can be a challenging task, you always need to be one step ahead, people put their trust in you, so you need to be top notch and try not let anything fall through the gaps! You also need to be super organised, flexible, adaptable and be able to communicate, all of which I am able to do well.

My initial three months at Babylon have been an exciting journey, it is so different from what I am used to, it is buzzy and exciting, the people are smart, friendly and sociable. Most of all, I really feel like I am part of the team and not an outsider because I am an Assistant, this is something I have experienced a lot in my previous roles. I look forward to coming to work and being with my team!

Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash

Making a difference

I have learnt so much so far and have been exposed to many different areas. I have also attended a few lunch and learn sessions which I find super useful as it gives me an insight of what’s really going on!

I am really enjoying my role, I like that it is varied, that no two days are the same, it is interesting and fun! In most of my previous roles, my duties were very structured, there wasn’t really any scope to take on additional tasks, I was employed to do just one thing. Babylon is different, everyday I am taking on new tasks and new challenges and I am thoroughly enjoying it.

I am passionate about my work, I am here to help Babylon grow! I am here to make a difference.

At Babylon we believe it’s possible to put an accessible and affordable health service in the hands of every person on earth. The Technology we use is at the heart and soul of that mission. Babylon is a Healthcare Platform, currently providing online consultations via in-app video and phone calls, AI-assisted Triage and Predictive Health Assistance.

If you are interested in helping us build the future of healthcare, please find our open roles here.

Follow us on Twitter @Babylon_Eng

