10 January — Day 4

Adri Bodor-Pék
Bachelor Thesis Journal
3 min readJan 19, 2020

Today was split into two section. In the morning we had a Storytelling input with Nicole Foelsterl and in the morning we did another exercise with Dr. Joëlle Bitton.


The input was useful to freshen up our knowledge on the importance of putting our concept into a context and talk about it in a way that our target audience understands it.

We started off with an exercise. We had to imagine that is already July and from a relaxing holiday we are looking back to our exhibition. We had to sketch how our exhibition spot looked like, what did the visitors feel when interacting with our artefacts.

Our main task was to create a mini story board that tells the story of our concept. I kind of struggled a bit as what I had on mind was a neutral toned, design proposal video that leaves the viewer with a strange feeling of surprise and curiosity. As I haven’t figured out all the details of my project yet, was hard to find a way to include a clear standpoint of mine right into the storyboard. In pairs we discussed our sketches and we had to present the other’s idea. Jenny could tell very well upon our discussion my storyline however upon the feedback of others a clear tone and purpose was missing.

Here is the video:


In the afternoon we followed up a little bit with the idea of imagining our exhibition. Joëlle wanted us to sketch 10 possible ways to exhibit our project in June.

I had a feeling that from all the post-it based exercises this was the easiest to fulfil. After the mentoring yesterday I tried to think about how self expression could be empowered with a body extension, and how could I present it in a way that visitors can interact with it closely.

I had the following approaches for the presentation:

  1. Tell a story about the wearable through a projected video.
  • Either with a video or a VR immersive experience the visitors could see a future fiction short film that explains the origins and the purpose of the body extension while the visitors wearing it.

2. Invite people to create their own body extension.

  • By setting parameters, people can adjust the appearance of the body extension.
  • After inspiring stories/tutorials people are free to create their own body extension.

3. Makeover experience

  • However I have mixed feelings about makeovers, I could imagine a setup where future beauty consultant(s) would help people to get a tailor made body extension upon their wishes.

The feedback round on each others idea was very useful again, we spent quite a bit of time on the ideas of each of us to share our thoughts. Like in case some other projects in the room, the key feedback was trying to avoid external storytelling as much as possible and let people really experience and get in touch with out artefacts. We are interaction designers after all… Though I am quite into the idea of creating a context with a short fictional story and combine it with a physical product. Joëlle and some fellow students really liked the idea of the makeover and thought it could be a nice way to offer a personalised experience with my project. Again, not a big fan, but I am aware that makeover process is widely known, people know what to expect and with some clever ideas, I could channel my thoughts, findings and learnings into such a setup.



Bachelor Thesis Journal
Bachelor Thesis Journal

Published in Bachelor Thesis Journal

Hello and welcome to my Bachelor Thesis Journal. There will be regular updates about my research and design process of my Bachelor Project at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). Enjoy.

Adri Bodor-Pék
Adri Bodor-Pék

Written by Adri Bodor-Pék

Interaction Design student at ZHdK. Freelance makeup artist. Lover of travels, photography, food and people. Especially kids. ’cause they are smart.