Story of Gangadhar

Dravida Seetharam
Back In Time Unintentionally
3 min readJun 12, 2020

I am Gangadhar. I am an ass, and I do not know why owner, Venkatappa calls me by the name of Gangadhar. I am in the service business, and I have a very defined job description. I carry the load of dirty clothes to the lake and bring them back after the wash. Occasionally, I take other heavy loads for my boss. Venkatappa leaves me alone when we reach the lake. He does not tie me to any tree or a peg as I can not run away. But he ties my legs together. I do neither have flexible workhours nor work from home option, and I have a very defined schedule. I have a dog for my company. Venktappa ties the dog because it can run away. I do not understand the role of the dog, but he always hangs around.
I am simple and straightforward. I neither bark nor make loud noises like my friend, the dog. While the children are friendly to the dog, they do not want to come near me. I do not recall anyone taking a selfie with me. I do not play politics, and backstabbing is not in my dictionary. The sages attain the virtues of patience, love and compassion at the pinnacle of their lives. I have all the great attributes now itself. I do not know why people call me stupid. It seems I am the synonym for worthless being. People do not appreciate pure goodness in the world.
I am an infinite player whereas Venkatappa is a finite player to borrow the words of Simon Sinek. Venkatappa has a goal to win, and he wants to make money using my services. It is like the USA and Vietnam. The US fought the Vietnam war to win, but the single objective of Vietnam was survival. I am in a similar situation. I have a horizon, whereas Venkatappa has only a boundary. My horizon is not a line, not a place and the location is very relative to the view.
Venkatappa wants to increase the efficiency of my services by loading me more and more. He does not care whether I can manage or not. He thinks I have enormous untapped potential, and I do not know where this is hidden. I can have experience only by giving it away like a slave. I have my clear values which are intangible. I do not compete with anyone externally. My competition is within myself. I have many marathons to run in my life, whereas Venktappa has only one. My vision is very distant, and I am on a long journey. I have a North Star!
I want to conclude by giving a message to all the donkeys who are slogging away. There is no fun in remaining a donkey, and there are no prizes to win. There are several other options for transformation. You have a choice to become a cow, an elephant or a horse or a lion. I am sure you would have heard a saying,” Over a period, King’s horse became a donkey.”
Here is a chance to prove that the reverse is also true.
Everyone will have a day under the Sun!

