6 On-Task Tips From A Graduating Senior

How to stay focused while using your tech

Darrin Thompson
Back Office Tech Tips
3 min readJan 9, 2018


With the current advancements in modern technology, society has not only grown to accept the use of devices in school, they’ve embraced it. Students are encouraged to explore computer related subjects such as programming, and teachers are adding tech related lessons to their curriculum more and more every day. This may sound too good to be true, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s no secret that electronics can still be one of the biggest classroom distractions, however this advice will make devices less of a toy and more of a tool for students to learn more and enjoy themselves while doing it.

  1. Save The Games for Later! Of course the temptation to open a game and play with friends is always there when such a vast library of entertainment is in your hands. However, slacking off and choosing not to make class work a priority will come back to haunt you. Sure Minecraft is a lot more amusing than algebra, but you certainly won’t have time to play when you’re busy getting caught up on late work. Don’t let your missed assignments weigh down your grade as they stockpile and lose points, close the games and open the class material!
  2. Avoid Unrelated Video Services With services like YouTube and Netflix, it’s not hard to load a silly clip wherever you are. Much like games, these videos can easily throw a student off track and lead to a plethora of missed assignments that become one large mess. No video is worth failing for, you can watch the new episode later. Your favorite shows aren’t going anywhere!
  3. Don’t Airdrop Without Permission Airdrop is a useful feature that comes with new Apple devices. It allows files to be sent via Bluetooth from one device to another. Do not Airdrop silly pictures or messages to your friends, teachers will catch you! Keep your Airdrop off in class, and your funny memes can wait for after school!
  4. Do Not Let Music Distract You We all love to tune out to a good song while we get our work done. Having the background noise helps you focus because you feel like you’re not alone. However, don’t spend too much time choosing a song, and don’t stop every couple of minutes to skip songs. Make a playlist of your favorites, press play and lock your screen! You’ll never be disappointed by what comes on, it will be your own personal radio station!
  5. School is Not the Place for Social Media Yes, celebrities arguing on twitter is always entertaining, and the pictures of your newborn cousin are probably adorable, but both of these things are meant to be viewed at home! Once you start scrolling through your feed, it’s easy to get carried away and lose track of time. Log out in the mornings before school, you can always get back in when you go home!
  6. Texting Does Not Have The Answers Sure you could always message a friend for help in a class, but being on your phone for any reason can cause you to miss valuable information. If you’re struggling with a topic, ask a teacher. That’s what the teacher is there for! School gossip or after-school plans can wait until just then: After-school! Keep your phone in your pocket until the final bell. You can catch up on the way home and you’ll still have your work done!

Following this advice will carry you through a school year and keep your technology working effectively in the classroom. It’s never easy to avoid temptations, but when the school years over your passing grades will thank you! You don’t want to end up spending your summer trying to make up a class you could’ve passed in the beginning. Get your work done and enjoy your vacation when it comes to you!

