An Extraordinary Devotee: Mother Haldini and the Unbelievable encounters in her life

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1 min readMar 13, 2024

Today I’m going to reveal an unpopular, but extraordinary and very special devotee of the Supreme Lord

Hladini’s daily schedule

New Vrindavan (West Virginia) was almost situated in a jungle & Madhuvana was on a hill. The devotees could daily see wild animals moving around and an extremely cold climate. In this situation, Hladini would wake up at 2.30 am, and on cold nights she would go to the bathroom; which was just four sticks on four sides rapt with plastic paper with no door. All you need to do is go scrolling from below, do the bath, and come out scrolling. It snows regularly in West Virginia. And in that situation, daily she would bathe in cold water! Hladini had just two sarees for 18 years. One she would wear and another was washed and kept for drying.

In such a busy schedule, she read Prabhupada Lilamrita 3 times, Shrimad Bhagavatam 7 times & Chaitanya Charitamrita 5 times.

Read the how story of life story of Hladini.




A learner and servant's servant of Lord Krishna.