Do really this entire Galaxy Moves Automatically?

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2 min readJul 12, 2023

Does the Earth, Sun & Moon planets move without any force?

Do the earth planet which is non-living thing as stated by so-called scientist. Then how is that this planet runs in very perfect direction for millions of years. How is that the sun is very perfectly situated from earth, and moon. As you know even a slightest move in the orbit can cause a humongous destruction on the earth.

Scientist for many years have penetrated on our minds that humans, animals & trees are living entity & non-moving items like stone, mountain, planet are non-living items. Because they have no life.

Then how come this non-living planets in the entire cosmic are very perfectly aligned. How they move in their fixed orbit for millions of years?

So, If you think deeply, and even Albert Einstein has experienced & accepted that there’s a certain force which runs & maintains this entire universe.

In Indian Scriptures, this reality is being explained 5000 years back. This verse from Shrimad Bhagavatam says

करोति विश्वस्थितिसंयमोदयं
यस्येप्सितं नेप्सितमीक्षितुर्गुणै: ।
माया यथायो भ्रमते तदाश्रयं
ग्राव्णो नमस्ते गुणकर्मसाक्षिणे ॥ ३८ ॥

This verse explains “Atheistic philosophers think that the total material energy causes the cosmic manifestation, but they are wrong. Dead matter has no moving power, and therefore it cannot act independently. The Lord infuses the material ingredients with His own creative potency. Then, by the power of the Lord, matter moves and interacts.

Sea waves are moved by the air, the air is created from ether, the ether is produced by the agitation of the three modes of material nature, and the three modes of material nature interact due to the Supreme Lord’s glance over the total material energy.

Because material nature (stone, air, mountain, planet) is dull and inert, it cannot actually be the cause of the material world. Lord Kṛṣṇa shows His mercy by infusing His energy into the dull, inert material nature. Thus material nature, by the energy of Lord Kṛṣṇa, becomes the secondary cause, just as iron becomes red-hot by the energy of fire. Therefore Lord Kṛṣṇa is the original cause of the cosmic manifestation. Material nature is like the nipples on the neck of a goat, for they cannot give any milk.

Thus it is a great mistake on the part of the material scientists and philosophers to think that matter moves independently. So we should not see this entire world with our material eyes, rather we should see it with spiritual vision. And to get this spiritual vision, you’ve to take shelter of a spiritual master, who is a pure devotee of the Supreme. He only can give you the vision to see the world from spiritual eyes.




A learner and servant's servant of Lord Krishna.