‘Heaven’ the Ultimate Destination

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3 min readJul 21, 2023

What are the desires of souls who live in Heaven?

We’ve many times dreamed or listen about heaven and hell. And we’ve have been taught that our bad deeds will sent us to hell and goods deeds (karma) will leads us to heaven. There you’ll enjoy a very happy life.

May movies have used their human imaginations to show the beauty and opulence of the heaven.

But what if you could know the desire of the souls how live that heaven planet?

In bible & kuran too there’s no such description given, but however existence of heaven & one day destruction of this material world is given.

Let’s understand the real desire of the people living in heaven. Firstly all souls living in heaven are called as demigods. There is immense opulence, wealth, long life, sex & sense gratification available in heaven as compare the earth planet.

But living such life still what’s their desire. Very beautifully it is explained in Great Indian Scripture. Firstly look in this verse Shrimad Bhagavatam

This sanskrit verse explains what demigods in the heaven feel about the humans who take birth in Bharata-varsa (India)

“How wonderful it is for these human beings to have been born in the land of Bhārata-varṣa. They must have executed pious acts of austerity in the past, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself must have been pleased with them. Otherwise, how could they engage in devotional service in so many ways? We demigods can only aspire to achieve human births in Bhārata-varṣa to execute devotional service, but these human beings are already engaged there

Now listen to what their actual desire is….

After performing the very difficult tasks of executing Vedic ritualistic sacrifices, undergoing austerities, observing vows and giving charity, we have achieved this position as inhabitants of the heavenly planets. But what is the value of this achievement? Here we are certainly very engaged in material sense gratification, and therefore we can hardly remember the lotus feet of Lord Nārāyaṇa. Indeed, because of our excessive sense gratification, we have almost forgotten His lotus feet.

So what you think going in the heaven is important or going to god’s kingdom? In God’s kingdom there’s no return back in birth-death cycle, just engage and enjoy in severing the Supreme.

What’s your thought of about it share in the comment?




A learner and servant's servant of Lord Krishna.