How to know after Death Heaven/Hell?

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7 min readJan 26, 2022

I was in illusion until I came to know the reality of life. Let’s take a journey of a human to know real aim of life and after death destination.

Birth Struggle

The soul takes shelter under male semen, and later that is being transferred to the female’s body. Without soul all chemical reactions of sperms and ovum are useless.

Child struggle in mother’s womb

After some days, the worms within the mother’s body are born from the urine & stool, these worms constantly keep biting the child who is within the abdomen. The child is surrounded by blood, urine, stool & worms. The child suffers terrible agony. In such a stage, if the mother eats any too salty, too sour stuff, then this creates more unbearable pain for the child.

In the seventh month, the situation becomes worse. Now, this time the baby in the abdomen with both folded hands prays to the Lord to release from this pain. And promises god that he’ll never forget him in his entire life and will always serve him. However this might seem funny or unreal, how could a child’s brain be so advanced to know about god, inside the mother’s womb? Up until now, scientists haven’t discovered it, but thousand of years back such real facts are being revealed by the supreme lord (who is the creator), in shrimad bhagavatam verse.

Finally, after so much hardship and struggle, if the baby is fortunate to come alive outside the womb, then his new life begins.


In this stage, parents take all care & responsibility of the child. In today's world, you will frequently hear these words from parents “Whatever bad & miserable days we’ve seen in our lives, we’ll never bring such days in our child's life.” And just with this feeling both mother & father work very hard to give the best to their child. Hence father is always busy earning money for better health, education & living for the child.

At this age, many things happen against a child’s will, like the child being forced to go to school daily and take the responsibility to pass the examination, whereas his desire is to play. Parents do impose their dreams, expectations on the child for his bright future. And here due to suffering of pain and ignorance child’s becomes angry & distressed. This is very well explained in this verse

Youth, Marriage & Children

Youth age is filled with expectations, responsibilities & sense desires. Some wrong thoughts grow in this age competition, comparison, jealousy, and lust.

Whatever the child sees around him, he starts to compare with himself, and he desires everything around him (sense gratification). For this parents are responsible, they teach them by always comparing their child with others. Wherein the reality is, whatever we achieve in our life is based upon our karma (deeds) in this and previous life.

And from here onward starts the race of life, which never ends. If the parents of the child are rich, then all the desires will be fulfilled, but these desires never end. Hence the child keeps demanding a new car, bike, clothes, mobile, laptop, etc. On the other side, if the parents are poor, then they always feel sorry and miserable from the inside, as they’re unable to meet the child’s desires. The poor child due to his poverty becomes passionate. And always dreams to earn a big house, car, wealth, and respect.

But in both cases, one thing in common, both of parents always dream & strive to get a good education, from that their kid will get a good job, and by that, he will earn good money. And finally, with that money, the child will fulfill his and their dreams & expectations. Expectations like a good house, good wife/husband, great respect in society, etc. So the motive here is to earn a huge amount of money and success.

In youth age, sometimes the rich child is enjoying the wealth of his father, and the poor child’s in persuading the wealth (which we call a struggling period). Finally, after getting some success and wealth, then he gets married to a beautiful person, and then his children are born.

Now in this period of life, a person gets attached and involved in maintaining his family and career. He is unable to see beyond the beauty of his wife & the sweet words of his children.

In reality, God’s female creation is a representation of illusion (Maya), a person gets attached to sense enjoyment. Now many of you might disagree, but clearly explained by lord Kapila deva in this verse


Ups and downs are part of life. So as this person has seen success before, now failure comes on his path. In failure, very few people support him, sometimes wife too doesn't support him. Because of failure he feels low, distressed and goes into depression.

Now, in the failure period, this person is working hard to achieve success & respect back again. In this phase of life, some people try to acquire money in illegal ways, they just want to get rich and successful at any cost.

Achieving Success & Wealth

Finally, after lots of effort, this person comes out of the failure and earns back respect and wealth. Now he’s in his fifties. Very well settle, huge bank balance, good reputation in society and overall things going great. In this phase of life, he regularly goes to church/temple and also does charity. Donates his wealth to hospitals, educational institutes, poor beggars, and animal welfare. He thinks of himself as a complete & satisfied person.

Old Age

Now, this person is in old age. He’s happy to see his daughter, son, wife, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, granddaughter & grandsons. Now due to old age, he is unable to move his body, loses his power of vision, he’s just like a pet dog at home.

Finally, he meets to death. Do you know what happens at death? Very well narrated by lord Kapila deva the situation of death.


Now here comes my question to you. After an immense struggle in mother womb, at young age achieving huge success, going from the worst phase of failure, being always honest with wife, taking care of children by supplying them whatever is required, donating wealth for the welfare of the society. Everything seems perfect for a happy ending. So where will be his after-death destination HEAVEN, Right?

If a person has done any sinful activity in life (illicit sex, meat-eating, gambling, intoxication, and material sense enjoyment), definitely further destination is hell as per scriptures.

And fortunately, if the person has donated wealth in charity & visits the temple/church regularly for economic development, then don’t assume as they will surely be in heaven. Just these persons are sent to some other planet (moon), but later again they’ve to return back on earth for suffering.

Hence if you want to go to real heaven (Vaikuntha), there is only one way. That is to act in pure devotional service of the lord.





A learner and servant's servant of Lord Krishna.