Humans Looking to Live on the Moon

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3 min readJul 22, 2023

Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos & many scientists too are dreaming of living on the Moon. But do you know the most precious planet in the galaxy?

India’s Chandrayan 3 Landing on Moon

Many of us are very excited in listening the news and information about the science projects of NASA & ISRO. Recently India sent its most ambitious space project ‘Chandrayan 3’ to moon. To find out if the existence of water, and to know more about that planet.

But what if I say that there’s life on Moon. And not only on Moon, but on every planet including sun.

Yes, I’m not joking. Indian scriptures have stated this millions of years back. Even with the names of kings ruling on those planet. Like on the Sun planet is ‘Vivasvan’, Pole Star (Dhruv-loka) is ruled by Dhruv Maharaj.

But what is most interesting to know is that humans are interested in moving to Moon & residents on moon or any planets what are they looking for?

Many of you might know that the time duration of every planet compare to earth is different. In the same way, humans have the most shortest life span as compare to the residents on other planets. Some so-called scientists have given name to this residents of other planets as ‘aliens’, but we call them as demigods, who are more advance than humans on the earth.

But our question is the same, What they (aliens) think of humans living on earth?

The answers is explained in Shrimad Bhagavatam (Great Indian Scripture), in this verse

कल्पायुषां स्थानजयात्पुनर्भवात्
क्षणायुषां भारतभूजयो वरम् ।
क्षणेन मर्त्येन कृतं मनस्विन:
सन्न्यस्य संयान्त्यभयं पदं हरे:

The demigods of other planets say that “A short life in the land of Bharata-varṣa (India) is preferable to a life achieved in Brahmaloka (spiritual planet) for millions and billions of years because even if one is elevated to Brahmaloka, he must return to repeated birth and death. Although life in Bhārata-varṣa, in a lower planetary system, is very short, one who lives there can elevate himself to full Kṛṣṇa consciousness and achieve the highest perfection, even in this short life, by fully surrendering unto the lotus feet of the Lord. Thus one attains Vaikuṇṭhaloka (Kingdom of God), where there is neither anxiety nor repeated birth in a material body.

Now just think how fortunate are the all those who have taken birth in India. How fortunate are those who are born on the earth planet. One of the great saint & pure devotee of Lord Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura says that “”Within this universe, this earth is the best planet, and on this planet the land of Bhārata-varṣa is the best; in the land of Bhārata-varṣa, Bengal is still better, in Bengal the district of Nadia is still better, and in Nadia the best place is Navadvīpa because Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu appeared there to inaugurate the performance of the sacrifice of chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra.

Hence forth, rather than dreaming to live or to know other planets, we must concentrate our life on devotional service. As stated above, this human life is very very precious. It’s very short, just this human life is the only path and opportunity for us to go to back to Godhead. So spend little time to know the real purpose of this life, rather than running behind money, popularity, respect & sex.




A learner and servant's servant of Lord Krishna.