Why Pole Star is Unmovable?

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2 min readAug 6, 2023

What’s the relationship between the Pole star & God?

The Pole star is unmovable from its position. Every other planet, star, sun & moon move from its position. But Pole is special. It can be seen from any planet in the universe.

Why pole star is special?

Very few of you might not know that every planet is ruled by a king (except Earth). In the same way, the pole star is ruled by a great devotee of the Lord named Maharaja Dhruva.

Maharaja Dhruva was a special devotee of the Supreme Lord. He once had a strong desire to have the biggest kingdom in the universe to rule & his position should be unmovable till the end of the universe.

For this benediction, Maharaja Dhruva at the age of just five, did very severe penance in the jungle for six months. Finally, the Supreme Personality of God appeared in front of him & was very pleased by the devotion of Dhruva.

But after looking at the beautiful form of the lord, Dhruva forgot all his desires & feelings. He was just stunned. Later he also felt ashamed of himself for asking just a foolish thing from the lord. It’s like you have a diamond in with you & you’re looking for stones.

Mercy of The Supreme Lord

When the supreme lord asked Dhruva for any benediction. That time Dhruva said “I’m pleased by just having you here. I don’t have any desire further. Just want to be at you Lotus Feets.”

As the Supreme Lord resides in every living being’s heart, he knows the desire of every living being (even of trees too). In the same way, he knew the desire of Dhruva. To accomplish his desire, the lord gave me an entire planet. The Supreme Lord made Maharaja Dhruva king of an entire Planet. The Planet which is unmovable & which lasts till the end of the universe. And he will live as long as the planet is there.

This is the mercy of the Lord. He can do anything & he can go to any limits to accomplish the desire of his devotees. Hence we all should know that the Lord is most merciful & he knows your desires & he’ll surely complete those desires. Just trust him.

This is the scriptural proof of above give insights

स हि सर्वेषां ज्योतिर्गणानां ग्रहनक्षत्रादीनामनिमिषेणाव्यक्तरंहसा भगवता कालेन भ्राम्यमाणानां स्थाणुरिवावष्टम्भ ईश्वरेण विहित: शश्वदवभासते

Translation : Established by the supreme will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the polestar, which is the planet of Mahārāja Dhruva, constantly shines as the central pivot for all the stars and planets. The unsleeping, invisible, most powerful time factor causes these luminaries to revolve around the polestar without cessation.




A learner and servant's servant of Lord Krishna.