The DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals In Photos And Videos

Meet the robots that could soon descend into disaster regions too dangerous for any human

Signe Brewster


Robots have taken over the Pomona fairgrounds in southern California for the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals, an event dreamed up four years ago after the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear disaster. The robots are built to have many abilities, meaning in a future emergency they could descend into areas too dangerous for any human to enter and clear rubble, turn off pipes or cut through walls.

The 24 teams in the competition have chosen to either build their robot from scratch, or focus on software and use the ATLAS robot body built by Google-owned Boston Dynamics.

The ATLAS robot.
Team Tartan Rescue, from Carnegie Mellon University, watches as CHIMP the robot attempts to grab a drill.
Team Trooper prepares to move Leo the ATLAS robot.

The competition is built around eight challenges that mimic tasks a robot might encounter in a disaster mission. The bots drive and exit a car, open and enter a door, close a valve, cut through a wall, complete a surprise task, walk over rubble and climb a set of stairs.

It’s slow going — the robots carefully consider their surroundings before making each move.

Team IHMC’s robot Running Man lies on the ground after falling down while climbing stairs.

Anytime a robot takes a particularly tricky step or crosses a finish line, a huge cheer goes up from the grandstands. An announcer reads out point tallies and adds color with facts about each team. It’s a bit like watching an Olympic track event — lots of waiting around, and then excitement all at once. It’s hard to tell if the spectators have favorites, as everyone is cheering for every robot all the time.

Members of Team IHMC look on as their robot Running Man completes the rubble task.

Plenty of special guests made an appearance, including Cheetah, a robot built by MIT. Cheetah can jump to avoid obstacles. It jogged down the road in front of the grandstand, and even took a little tumble when it showed off some tricks.

At the Open Source Robotics Foundation booth, a man uses a haptics glove to control a virtual hand. The technology is built to help amputees.
At the Open Source Robotics Foundation booth, a man flies a drone in virtual reality.
ATRIAS is a two-legged robot that can keep its balance even when it’s shoved.

Kaist, the South Korean team behind the Hubo robot, finished the weekend in first place with the maximum-possible 8 points. IHMC and Tartan Rescue also won all 8 points, but didn’t complete the course as quickly. Team Kaist will take home a $2 million grand prize.

Photos and videos by Signe Brewster.
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