(Courtesy of GOP Arcade)

The News Is Now Literally a Video Game

The GOP Arcade is producing tiny, raw, irreverent games based on the news.

Andrew Watts
Published in
7 min readOct 24, 2016


“The world thinks America is weak. As Commander-In-Chief, it’s up to you to prove them wrong. By bombing…all of them.”

The words appear on screen, accompanied by a portentous tune reminiscent of late ’90s gaming. A bald eagle looks you straight in the eye.

Our sats have detected enemy ground movement just outside of Kabul.”

You have two options for how to handle the situation:

  • Look at diplomatic options
  • Bomb them

If you decide to look at diplomatic options, you’ve proven America’s weakness and the game is over. If you decide to bomb them, you will be shown a map of a section of the world, and you’ll need to guess where Kabul is.

This is “Bomb the Right Place,” a game focused on demonstrating America’s force as a nation through bombing, even if we don’t know exactly where to bomb. “Bomb the Right Place” is one of many politically charged games found in the GOP Arcade. The site describes itself in an understated fashion as “an ongoing series of lightweight games designed to make all the hoopla surrounding the election slightly more enjoyable.”

If “Bomb the Right Place” doesn’t lift your spirits, GOP Arcade also offers such diversions as “Trump’s Pussy Grabber,” “Thoughts and Prayers,” and “Get Trump’s Taxes.” The games turn complex subjects (such as the increase in mass shootings across the United States) into simple, two-button activities delivered in an 8-bit aesthetic. The result is a dissonant mashup of challenging concepts with a raw production value that feels nothing like a newspaper article or TV news segment.

(Courtesy of GOP Arcade)

Now you may be asking: “So what? Why should I care about a dumb 8-bit game about the election?” The answer is simple: these dumb, 8-bit games might be the first, primordial examples of a new form of communication.

GOP Arcade has tapped into the trend among younger people of consuming information in a quick, flashy, often piecemeal way. The first company to fully capitalize on this emerging behavior was BuzzFeed, which identified how millennials consumed information and tailored their content to match this pattern. But with the presidential election dominating an entire year of news, GOP Arcade is one of a slew of sites that has seized on creative, nontraditional ways to comment on and engage with the news. It’s a hint of where media might be headed next, in the great battle over The Attention of Millennials (And Those Even Younger).

Chris Baker, co-founder of GOP Arcade, says the idea for the site came to him and his creative partner Mike Lacher when they were working as creative directors at BuzzFeed. The duo began playing around with the idea of producing news in an interactive, playable format. This had been done before, but they were looking for something more creative than the quiz-based games that other news outlets were producing. They left BuzzFeed in late 2013, but kept kicking around the idea.

“So the idea is playable news,” Baker says. But they needed a focus. “Given how much news is out there, we wanted to dial it in and make it specifically about the election.”

The election was useful in that it had predictable events that Baker and Lacher could plan around. And it was guaranteed to hold the country’s attention for most of the year. So in February of 2016, Baker, Lacher, and a third collaborator, Brian Moore, started dreaming up the GOP Arcade. “Since we’re bleeding-heart liberals from Brooklyn, we wanted to make it completely one-sided and give it a name people will remember,” Baker says.

As their thinking crystallized, they realized that games took too long to develop for them to hinge on short-lived headlines. “We knew it would take a while to get together,” Baker explains, “so we wanted to focus on larger issues rather than news-specific events from the beginning.” When the site launched in April 2016, its first three games were not pegged to specific events. They were:

  • “Good Guy With A Gun,” a twisted version of Diner Dash where you’re delivering customers guns, not food.
  • “Bomb the Right Place,” the aforementioned “where is Kabul” geography test.
  • “Trump Toss,”an exercise in deporting immigrants by flinging them over a wall that grows taller with time.

Most of the GOP Arcade games since then have similarly tended to focus on events that “won’t be over in three days,” says Baker. Yet the creators still wanted to be able to react to the news—so they opted for an 8-bit cartoonish style for their games. “8-bit was the fastest way to do it since it gives you so much leeway in terms of character design,” Baker explains. “You don't have to be perfect, it’s fast to create, it can scale really easily between platforms/devices, and it makes you nostalgic. Many of our game mechanics derived from 8-bit games, so it only made sense that our design would match.”

The fairly simple mechanics of their games mean they can be developed in anywhere from a few hours to two weeks. So far, the games developed in “just a few hours” have been by far the most popular. “Thoughts and Prayers” was released four days after the Orlando shooting earlier this year, yet it garnered more press and traffic than any other GOP Arcade game, with about 30 press articles, including ones in the Boston Globe, Slate, and Fusion. After news of the shooting broke on Sunday, Baker and his team met up on Tuesday to discuss the project. By Thursday, they had launched.

(Courtesy of GOP Arcade)

In “Thoughts and Prayers,” you watch as alerts of new mass killings pop up on a map of the US, and you have to choose between “thinking” and “praying” in response. At the end, it tallies your thoughts and prayers, and also the lives you saved: zero. It’s visceral, and not something you can describe in a sentence — so people want to share it, to allow others to see for themselves. To date, over 30 million thoughts and prayers have been sent by 600,000 players.

Baker doesn’t even consider “Thoughts and Prayers” a game, but rather a “fast mechanism to convey a point.” A similar mechanism can be seen in “Get Trump’s Taxes,” where the player must try to rip Donald Trump’s taxes from his hands as quickly as possible. These aren’t games in the traditional sense, but podiums from which Baker and his team can be heard.

“Our ultimate goal with the GOP Arcade was to create a gaming platform that simultaneously existed as op-ed commentary and as an education to people about the important issues in the election,” says Baker.

It’s not the only new take on the election tailored to a millennial mindset. Super Deluxe, for example, is a production company that has been producing videos this election on everything from Hillary Clinton’s millennial pandering to Melania Trump’s Response to the Trump Tapes. These videos are a breath of fresh air and a welcome antidote to the undifferentiated content dished out by too many major media companies. They’re a form of political commentary tailored to our youth culture in a way that only the youths may truly understand.

Both Super Deluxe and GOP Arcade take topics that are potentially “boring,” such as the debates or an issue like immigration, and spice them up with bright, flashy graphics and simple messaging. Another example, from slightly farther afield, is the site voteplz.org. It does a similar thing in taking a boring action from the election —voter registration — and adding some flash in the form of emojis and, again, simple messaging.

All three of these examples assume that their users share some background context. And that, too, helps drive users to share the games on their social feeds. “Trump’s Pussy Grabber,” a riff on whack-a-mole involving cats, wouldn’t make much sense without the background context of the event it’s referencing. Because viewers feel “in on the joke,” they feel more motivated to share the content to showcase to their friends or followers how hip they are. And because it’s not just another link to yet another article or video, GOP Arcade stands out from the normal posts that an average social networker would find in their feeds.

(Courtesy of GOP Arcade)

GOP Arcade plans on creating one final game, about voter suppression, before wrapping up its election coverage. Then Baker and his team intend to apply their learnings from GOP Arcade to Everyday Arcade, a new site that Baker hopes will become “the gaming version of The Onion or The Daily Show.

Whether or not the format thrives outside the highly charged environment of a presidential election, Baker’s team has hit on a powerful idea. The concept of irreverent, newsy, bite-sized games weaves together many of the trends in media consumption among younger demographics. So if GOP Arcade is any indication, soon you won’t just be reading or watching the news. You’ll also be playing it.



Andrew Watts

Marketing. Previously @mschfxyz, @hqtrivia, & more.