DevOps Trends To Watch On 2022

Backend Developers
Backend Developers
Published in
6 min readJul 12, 2022

Only a few tech companies successfully meet customer expectations and exceed their business goals in an era where customer preferences continually change!

DevOps is helping these companies achieve measurable and consistent results as they develop, launch, and improve new products through innovative business strategies supported by a meticulous implementation.

DevOps Trends To Watch On 2022


Enterprises can automate the software development and testing lifecycle with DevOps solutions by standardising and automating code migration and deployment across a variety of environments.

These solutions allow the developers to implement a continuous feedback loop, allowing them to reduce response time and deliver software continuously based on customer feedback and usage behaviour.

Additionally, it enables a one-click deployment capability where every code check-in can be pushed into production.

This article will help you clearly identify the most recent DevOps trends that will accelerate the pace of innovation and digital transformation in 2022.

1. Container Adoption Leading DevOps Strategy

The growing use of container technologies is one of the factors contributing to the rise of DevOps. It is easier for web applications to be hosted in a container, which is a lightweight, self-contained environment. It is designed to be fast, productive, and dependable.

Gartner predicts that 70% of companies will run two or more containerized applications by 2023.

Kubernetes and container-native services will continue to grow in popularity for networking, storage, and security. In the future, as more apps are developed, and changes occur more rapidly, DevOps will need to deal with data delays.

When it comes to cloud computing, customers are searching for platforms that can help them resolve their problems. Want to Become a Master in Devops? Then visit here to Learn Devops Online Training.

2. Serverless computing can move DevOps to new heights

Serverless computing has appeared as a new and exciting approach to deploying software and other services.

In addition to improving architectural scalability and lowering costs, serverless computing streamlines DevOps operations.

In addition to automating software development, DevOps encompasses the entire software lifecycle, from development to deployment, testing, and maintenance, all in one place.

By taking care of server maintenance, such as updates and cloud monitoring, serverless computing helps developers reduce their workload.

It benefits DevOps enormously by merging the Dev and Ops teams and eliminating their disparities.

As cloud servers are linked to developers, they don’t need to access infrastructure execution.

Using serverless computing, you can build, test, and deploy pipelines for DevOps applications without a host.

It simplifies deployments and reduces costs by centralising infrastructure and business strategy.

3. The Advancement of Microservices Architecture

The IT industry is increasingly adopting microservices architecture as an alternative to traditional architecture.

DevOps practices and microservices enable decentralised teams to innovate faster, maintain control over their own technology stack and standards, manage performance metrics, manage development and release cycles, and ultimately reduce time to market by accelerating development and release.

As a result of this method, teams can release software more frequently.

4. The Rise of DevSecOps

In the emerging world of being digital, security is a major concern. Security teams are struggling to keep up with testing as companies are pushed to move faster. The result has been the emergence of DevSecOps.

The DevSecOps approach combines best practices for software development, delivery, and operations, with an emphasis on security and observability so that risks and vulnerabilities are minimised.

As such, security doesn’t come as an afterthought but has been part of the company’s DNA.

5. Cloud-Native infrastructure

Several organisations have moved on the way to set up a better cloud-centric platform to support cloud-based apps and work processes.

Businesses should implement the Cloud Management Platform (CMP) as fast as possible on a large scale. Adopting and modifying CMP for DevOps allows businesses to have a stronger foothold in their cloud operations.

This would allow them to better manage and utilise their cloud computing resources. Enhanced cloud security, better resource usage, and efficient risk mitigation are all advantages of CMP adoption.

6. Increased adoption of GitOps

GitOps, a new addition to the DevOps workflow, automates and controls infrastructure. GitOps is a Kubernetes-based paradigm that allows developers and IT operations teams to manage clusters and deliver applications using Git.

Git pull requests can be used to manage infrastructure and software deployment by implementing a Git workflow in operations and development teams.

GitOps uses traditional development tools to manage cloud-native and clustered apps. Automates the deployment, monitoring, and maintenance of cloud-native applications using Git as a single source of truth.

7. Growing Demand for Infrastructure as Code

DevOps automation alone does not encompass Infrastructure as Code (IaC). By using code instead of configuration tools, Infrastructure as Code automates resource management and provisioning.

Infrastructure management becomes more difficult and susceptible to human error as environments become more complex. An advantage of the IaC approach is that it allows for standardisation of infrastructure and rapid implementation.

With it, teams can easily duplicate and deploy robust, consistent systems between development, testing, and production environments.

In DevOps, all of the components of the environment are provided and controlled, including virtual machines, operating systems, containers, application configuration, storage, networking, and connections to multiple components.

8. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in DevOps

In order to keep pace with changing workloads and environments, DevOps processes need to be optimised.

Machine Learning and AI can help DevOps teams manage alerts and improve feedback loops. AI and ML can also assist developers in reviewing previous performance for operational metrics, identifying and analysing patterns, sentiment analysis, building success, and test completion.

In the future, advanced analytical methods, such as predictive analytics, will become increasingly important. As a result, integrating AI and machine learning into your workflow may become an integral part of your DevOps process.

9. Automation

DevOps strategies rely on automation to help businesses become more efficient, responsive, and transparent.

If DevOps and QA are to keep up with the increasing demands of the future, they must be completely adaptable. There are several phases of continuous evolution.

A high level of technical expertise and multitasking skills are essential for developers working on DevOps and QA. Automation can avoid all of these problems.

In the fast-changing digital industry of today, manual testing cannot keep up with the demands for efficiency and speed. In the future, automation technology will have a lot of potential as cloud technology advances.

10. Cloud-Native infrastructure

There are many organisations that have paved the way for implementing a better cloud-centric platform for supporting cloud-based apps and work processes.

Cloud Management Platform (CMP) should be implemented on a large scale as soon as possible by businesses.

With CMP for DevOps, businesses can have a stronger foothold in their cloud operations. Businesses will be able to better manage and utilise their cloud computing resources.

As a result of the adoption of CMPs, cloud security, resource efficiency, and risk mitigation are all improved.


DevOps has evolved tremendously in the past few years and will continue to do so. As it evolves beyond automation, it also powers emerging DevOps trends, including GitOps, Site Reliability Engineering, with a clear focus on continuously improving the end-user experience.

Understanding that DevOps transformation is a never-ending process is essential. It facilitates better communication between the development, IT, and business teams, as well as a more reliable and consistent release pipeline.

By following these DevOps trends, your company will be able to design, develop, launch, and maintain high-quality software. Providing end-to-end delivery pipeline automation and extensive DevOps tools to support continuous development and integration across various cloud platforms.

In case you’d like to implement these DevOps trends to improve the speed, agility, and competitiveness of your organisation or want to get any suggestions, you can take a look at this article.



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Backend Developers

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