The Use of Java In Backend Development

shivam bhatele
Backend Developers
7 min readMar 13, 2023



Programmers often get confused when choosing a programming language for a software development project because there are so many available. Developers choose a language based on several factors, including frameworks, resources, language support across platforms, security, and performance issues. Java is an object-oriented language that meets all of the parameters listed above. Java is an easy-to-learn language that solves code queries more effectively than C and C++.

The platform independence of Java makes it one of the most preferred languages by developers. Any computer with a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed can run the program. A JRE is compatible with most operating systems, including Windows, Macintosh, Linux, etc.

In this article, we will learn about why Java is best suited for back-end development and what makes it so popular.

History Of Java

In the early 1990s, James Gosling created Java, an Object-Oriented programming language. The language was designed for digital devices such as set-top boxes, televisions, etc. Initially, C++ was considered for use in the project, but the idea was rejected for several reasons (for example, C++ requires more memory). Initially, Gosling tried altering and expanding C++, but he soon abandoned it for another stage called Green. Originally, James Gosling and his team called their project “Greentalk”, and its file extension was .gt. It was later renamed “OAK.”

According to Gosling, the name Oak was chosen as it is an image of solidarity and served as a national tree for many nations, such as the U.S.A., France, Germany, Romania, etc. It was later renamed “JAVA” since Oak Technologies already owned the trademark for “OAK”. Following a brainstorming session, Gosling and his team came up with several names, including JAVA, DNA, SILK, and RUBY. The Java name was chosen after much discussion due to its uniqueness. Java is an Indonesian island where the first coffee (called Java coffee) was produced. This is a type of espresso bean. When James Gosling was enjoying a cup of coffee near his office, he came up with the Java name. The design of Java was based on principles like Robustness, Portability, Platform Independence, High Performance, Multithreading, etc.

Where is Java Used?

The flexibility of Java allows developers to write code that can be run on any machine, no matter what structure or platform it is on. The Java platform is used by more than a billion computers and 3 billion mobile devices around the world. Java is used in the following areas:

Web-based Applications

It’s used to develop web applications because Servlet, JSP, and Struts offer extensive support. for web development. It is for this reason that Java is also referred to as a server-side programming language. We can develop a variety of applications using these technologies. There are several frameworks that are used for developing web applications, such as Spring, Hibernate, and Spring Boot. Among the popular websites written in Java are LinkedIn, AliExpress,, IRCTC, etc.

Game Development

Due to its support for the open-source most powerful 3D engine, Java is widely used by game development companies. When it comes to designing 3D games, the engine provides unparalleled capabilities. Some of the most popular Java games are Minecraft, Mission Impossible III, etc. Game developers often use frameworks and libraries such as LibGDX and OpenGL

Desktop applications

Java is used to create the graphical user interface of a desktop application. It’s easy to develop GUI applications using Java Frameworks. These include Swing, AWT, JavaFX, Griffon, and many more. Java is a great choice if you’re planning to create a desktop application.

IoT Application

The Internet of Things is a technology for connecting and communicating with devices over a network. We can find IoT in almost all small devices like health gear, smartphones, wearables, smart lighting, TVs, etc. While many programming languages are available for developing IoT applications, Java offers developers an advantage that is unmatched. Because of its flexibility, security, and versatility, Java is a favorite among IoT programmers.

Cloud-Based Applications

A cloud application is a service that provides on-demand access to IT resources over the internet. A cloud-based application offers service at an affordable price. Java provides the environment for developing cloud-based applications. Using Java, we can develop SaaS (Software as a Service), LaaS (Logging as a Service), and PaaS (Platform as a Service). Cloud applications are widely used to share data between companies or to develop applications remotely.

Big data

Although there are many programming languages available for Big Data Technology, Java remains the most popular. Developed in Java, Hadoop HDFS is a platform for storing and processing big data applications. Java is widely used in big data ETL applications such as Apache Camel and Apache Kafka. In big data environments, it is used to extract, transform, and load data.

Why Java is Ideal for Backend Development?

Here are some reasons why Java is a suitable choice for backend development.

Cross-platform compatibility

Java’s “Write Once, Run Everywhere” feature is one of its most significant advantages. This feature is also known as ‘portability’. A compiled Java program can be executed on any platform that has a Java virtual machine (JVM). Essentially, this covers Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. The first thing you do is write your Java program in the “.java” file. After that, you compile it using the Eclipse IDE or Javac, creating your “.class” files. The “.class” file can also be packaged into an executable “.jar” file, although it is not mandatory.

It is now possible to distribute your “.jar” file to Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, and run it on those platforms. Sometimes, you may find different set-up files for one Java program on different platforms. Java has nothing to do with these. Certain platforms provide specific features that are required by certain applications. These apps require Java “.class” files bundled with platform-specific libraries.

Scalability and Robustness

Java is durable due to its robust type-checking mechanism. Java runs anywhere thanks to the Java virtual machine (JVM) that provides dynamic linking and a secure environment. This feature makes Java highly scalable and speeds up web application development due to its automatic memory management and disposal collection.

Provides APIs with rich functionality

With Java API, one can do a wide variety of things, including handling input and output, networking, utilities, queries, database connections, XML parsing, handling time and data, and many other things. Did you know there are approximately ten thousand Java open-source libraries? That’s true, no doubt. Among them are Apache Commons, Spring MVC, and Hibernate. Also, this is why it is so popular for backend development.


Object-oriented programming is best illustrated by Java, a programming language that breaks down software into modular components that model specific solutions within the context of a larger project. By modularizing code, Java simplifies troubleshooting and debugging while creating reusable components. Apart from that, it also supports multiple inheritance which makes it ideal for game development as well.

Open Source Library

Java libraries are largely free and open-source, with expert support. These libraries speed up the back-end programming of web projects dramatically. Many Java libraries are available for various purposes, such as logging, JSON parsing, unit testing, XML and HTML parsing, messaging, PDF and Excel reading, cryptography, and so on.

Supports multithreading

Multithreading is a feature of Java that allows multiple threads to run simultaneously. The smallest unit of a process is a thread. We can maximize CPU usage by using multithreading. The application runs more efficiently and performs better when multiple threads share the same memory space.

Popular Java Libraries For Back-End Development

Back-end frameworks simplify the process of assembling and creating Java applications, especially for server-side programming. Frameworks play a key role in defining application structure. Here are some of the most popular Java frameworks for back-end development.


In terms of versatility and robustness, the Spring Framework is one of the most popular. The framework provides programmers with a variety of application tools through its various modules. Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection is used to configure application components loosely, allowing for more flexibility in the application’s response. Since Spring provides such a wide range of options, there is a steep learning curve. In particular, junior developers may be confused by the complexity of the framework and the wealth of options.


Hibernate is a Java framework designed primarily to provide abstract persistence login for Java applications. Even though Hibernate offers other tools such as Search, Validator, and Reactive, it’s primarily used as an object-relational mapping (ORM).

The Hibernate framework abstracts all low-level database operations between applications and DB systems, such as Postgres. The application performs CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete) in conjunction with establishing and managing database connections.


Play Framework helps you create scalable Java and Scala online applications with productivity and performance. Developers will appreciate Play’s developer-friendly workflow and testing support.

Play’s non-blocking and stateless architecture allows applications to scale reliably. Play is ideal for current mobile and online apps because it is RESTful by default, and it supports JSON, WebSockets, and asset compilers.


Java framework Struts is developed by the Apache Software Foundation as an open-source project. Developers can use it to develop web applications using a model-view-controller (MVC) architecture that extends the Java EE Servlet API.

Because Struts extends Servlet API, it has an excellent model layer that easily integrates with Hibernate, JDBC, EJBs, JSPs, and XML technologies.


Java is an object-oriented language with outstanding performance, which is best suited to back-end development, especially for enterprise applications. For back-end development, Java’s memory management and scalability make it ideal. In addition to automating key workflows in application development and managing dependencies, frameworks such as Spring, Play, Hibernate, and Struts help to make Java’s core strengths useful to back-end developers.

Java’s success as a back-end language will continue to increase as more versions and tools are released. In proportion to the enhancements in Java, frameworks will also evolve. Java is a great choice for developers looking to get started with back-end development.



shivam bhatele
Backend Developers

I am a Software Developer and I loved to share programming knowledge and interact with new people. Also I am big lover of dogs, reading, and dancing.