Tips : Onboard new Developers Fast !!

Faisal Parwani
Backend Developers
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2024

Experience developers can hit the ground running very fast. If you have gotten a junior or medium level developer. Below are some tips to onboard them fast based on my personal experience.

1: Domain Training (Domain knowledge of the project)

Brief developers about domain knowledge about the company and project. What are you doing and why? What is the goal of product you are building? Who are the stack holders? What are the dependent parties you have to worked with.

2 Process Training

Give brief training about day to day life. Which tools are used and what are the processes. Explain how a user stories goes from specification till release. Tell them about company working culture.

3 Help them to setup their dev environment Setup

Let them install the needed tools e.g. JDK, Docker, Intellij etc.

Create account with correct access rights for Jira, Confluence, Git etc.

4 Tech Stack Training

Assign him some time to learn and brushup certain skills. Point him to correct resources and pair up with a senior.

5 Local setup of Project

Make sure he can run the project on his machine. Help him to configure run the project and see the working product.

6: Assign few simple bugs to fix alone

Assign him some simple bugs to fix, pair up with a senior to answer questions and guide him.

7: Assign simple fresh easy story

Once you feel that he is getting grasp of the work, assign him simple fresh user story. Let him work and ask as many questions. Guide him and give confidence.

8: Make him owner and responsible

After few months he should be able to take the ownership of user stories. Should be able to work independently.

There were few tips out of my personal experience, Have you got some other tips ? Let me know.



Faisal Parwani
Backend Developers

Software engineer for around 15+ years working in java and surrounding technologies.