6 tips for successful crowdfunding

BackerLand Team
Published in
4 min readFeb 7, 2020

How do you make a Sales Funnel For Your Crowdfunding Campaign?

Using sales funnels to find success in crowdfunding

There is likely a campaign or project that launched for crowdfunding offering a similar product as yours.

But have you connect to backers and get them to support your project over someone else.

Take a second and consider how backers find your project. It could be that you shared something from your site, a video went viral or, more likely, a Facebook ad caught their attention.

Regardless of how you got their attention, there are steps you can follow for backers to connect with you and for them to notice your project. These steps include:

• Awareness in terms of engagement, tips and content.

• Consideration through videos and special offers.

• Conversion through testimonials, trials and remarketing.

Then, there is backer retention, upselling and adding more value through marketing efforts.

So, how do you do all this? Read on to find out how you can build your Facebook Ads funnel.

Step 1. Download and install Facebook Pixel

The first thing you have to do is download your Facebook Pixel and install it.

Facebook Pixel is a piece of code which you place on your site. It tracks the your visitors activity while they are on your website, which makes it a powerful tool in retargeting and tracking traffic.

Your Pixel also collects data, even if you don’t have any ads running.

Anyone visiting your website is tracked by the Pixel. This gives you valuable insight into how many people are visiting your site and what they do.

But the Pixel will also guarantee your Facebook ads are visible to the right audience. Meaning you can segment your audiences and utilize Facebook Ads with more nuanced.

Step 2. Develop quality content

You want your leads to go through your sales funnel with no difficulty. To do this you need to make their journey through it fun with quality content. Each stage of the Facebook Ads funnel has different content needs.

Related: Creating the right content for your audience

Every different audience needs different content to convert. Think of this way, your cold leads require content to draw them or teach them you exist, while your warm leads need more detailed content to convert them quickly.

Step 3. Concentrate on warm and hot audiences

With regard to warm audiences, which are audiences who know your brand or project and have shown your product might be a good fit for them (either by signing up for email updates or following your social media channels), are audience you should advertise directly to.

You can start with these warm audiences. Add them as a custom audience in Facebook Ads

You may want to send this audience directly to your product page and see what trend your conversion rate takes.

You could also send them a limited-time offer secret perk (Indiegogo only). As a result, you’ll see which offers yield better results — especially when you’re aiming for a low ad cost purchase.

Usually, people don’t make spontaneous purchases, which is why it’s important to put your target into your Facebook Ads sales funnel. Once they begin going down the funnel, they’ll be more enticed to make a purchase, especially if they’ve come into contact with your brand before.

Step 4. Attract similar audiences

After installing the Facebook pixel and creating quality content for each step of the funnel, and separating your warm and cold leads as custom audiences, it’s time to move to the next step.

lookalike audiences.

You can use your custom audience data to classify your visitors and build lookalike audiences. Users in the new lookalike audience will have similar interests and attributes to those already buying and interacting with your project.

Facebook knows the characteristics of your buyers (from your custom audiences) and can expand this group to include more people with similar demographics, interests and behaviors (lookalike audiences)

Step 5. Focus on retargeting

Not it’s time to capitalize on one last opportunity. Retargeting.

Much of the time the people who have gone through your complete sales funnel may still not want to back your project. They may add products to their cart but not actually go through with the purchase.

You want to create a new set of Facebook Ads to get forgetful backers to come back to your campaign page and finish backing you.

You want to make sure they are confident in their choice, meaking this is the final step to your Facebook Ads sales funnel.

Retargeting campaigns will show ads to people who have interacted with your other campaigns. For example, you can set ads for abandoned carts or have visited a your campaign page.

You’ll also want to run ads for middle-of-funnel leads to inform them of new, interesting content you have published.

You want to keep on marketing to people who visited your site, but never made a purchase, until either they do or you decide you don’t want to deal with them anymore.

You can find more crowdfunding tips, deals on the best crowdfunding campaigns, and more at BackerLand.

