How to make a successful crowdfunding campaign

BackerLand Team
Published in
3 min readJan 16, 2020

The 6 Key Strategies For A Successful Crowdfunding Campaign


Getting more backers

Crowdfunding is a big opportunity to bring your ideas to life. You could raise your funds, develop your product and launch your company, but you can also terribly.

It takes a lot of hard work and time to achieve success for your crowdfunding project.

So how do you avoid failure?

Well the first thing is to look at the most common mistakes other campaigners have made when launching their own projects.

Put effort and money into marketing

There’s a difference between effective and ineffective marketing. And you will need to spend money on marketing. It takes money to raise money.

It’s not enough to invite your personal circle of family and friends to back your project. You need to extend your reach to larger audiences.

Many campaign owners avoid using social media advertising platforms such as:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Google

These platforms allow you to add to your credibility with relevant content and ads, find new audiences, and convert them.

Related: How to use social media to achieve crowdfunding success.

Focus on Presentation and Presence.

Presentation is important. You want people to share your campaign and no one will seriously share a low-quality campaign.

Tell everyone about your campaign. Keeping people’s interest in your campaign is hard work. You need to convince them to back your idea AND share your campaign to others.

The best way to do this is to create quality content, videos, photos, and a well-developed and interesting story.

Your enthusiasm for your project should be contagious.

Related: How to make a good crowdfunding video.

Pay Attention to Your Website

Your website should be running and collecting emails before you even launch your campaign. It should look well designed, and it should be optimized frequently to better collect emails and convert.

Pay close attention to your website as it helps validates your legitimacy.

Show backers more about your team or company.

Make sure your landing page has all the information your target audience wants to see. Explain to them why you deserve their backing and how your project will solve a problem in their lives.

The description of your project should be realistic. Be honest and straightforward. Focus on what makes you stand out from others.

Focus on Pre-Launch Marketing

Aside from building out planning a pre-launch phase, look into effective marketing strategies that could extend your campaign reach.

Research companies and services geared towards crowdfunding who have curated lists of backers, these can be crucial in finding backers. Some of these are:

  • BackerLand
  • Gadget Flow
  • BackerClub

These tools help you find a larger audience before your launch date and they can build buzz and get eyeballs on your landing page.

Another smart avenue is to create and use Facebook Ads. These will allow you to start collecting emails and building a list of potential backers and warm leads.

Make the most of these tools as they can help you reach more backers.

Related: How to Generate Hot Leads

Set Realistic Funding Goals

Setting a realistic funding goal gives your family, friends, backers, and followers more confidence that your project will be funded.

This can also generate more sales if you reach your goal at a quick pace.

Crowdfunding requires you to be smart and strategic.

You should also set a realistic budget as you will need to account for all expenses. And there are a lot of them.

Related: What is the cost of a crowdfunding campaign?

Be Transparent

You need to be transparent to be credible. Nothing beats honestly when it comes conversion as backers will be more willing to trust you.

So make sure to inform backers and your target about:

  • Who you are
  • What your project is all about
  • What your goals are
  • What mistakes you make

Provide as much information as you can about your idea. Answer backer’s questions and explain why you need their support. If they are talking to you that means they are interested!

Keep your backers informed of updates, whether they are positive (free upgrades for early backers) or negative (delay in shipping).

Warn them about the obligations that you may fail to meet. Keep them updated on the project’s progress.

People don’t mind problems as long as they aren’t kept in the dark. So communicate often and keep your people informed.

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