Connecting a Controller for automated backups

Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2020

We’ll show you how to quickly connect one or more controllers to your BackiFi account so you can set up automated, scheduled, backups.

  1. Jump into your BackiFi account and click on the Controllers tab
  2. Click the purple + to add a controller
  3. Give it a nickname, enter in your fully qualified URL, remember to put the https at the start and the port at the end — e.x. — then put in your username/email and password then click the purple ✓. Our app will now test the connection and add if successful.
  4. If you want to test the access and credentials at a later time, you can click the TEST button next to the controller line at any time.

Troubleshooting/Some things to note..

  1. The user account that you use for BackiFi has to be a Super Admin — this is a requirement from Ubiquiti to be able to initiate backups.
  2. We encrypt all passwords when storing them and keep everything very secure, but do suggest you setup a new user just for use with BackiFi and please make sure the password is set and it is not temporary.
  3. The controller should have a fixed address, but can be an IP or hostname. It just needs to be accessible over the internet. If you firewall access to your controller (which is good for security, and we think you should) you will need to allow access from our AWS application to be able to add a controller and also have the service continue to work. The IP you need to whitelist is
  4. It does not matter if there is an SSL cert or not, but you must use the https not http
  5. When setting the controller URL, please use the fully qualified URL and without a ‘/’ at the end — ex.

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