MFA / 2FA / Multi-factor authentication for your account

Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2020

It’s no secret that when we built we wanted to focus our development on the core application and not the ancillary components of making it run.

We fundamentally believe in using pre-built and free-tier platforms that could give us enough head-room to get going while not having to worry about building things from scratch that others have already done an exceptional job at.

One of these parts was the management of account setup and logins from an authentication and security perspective. We had heard about Auth0 and had a choice. We could try and build a complete user registration, sign-up, authentication and administration system ourselves, or, we could use a 3rd party like Auth0 who are in the dedicated business of handling this.

Of course we started off on the free-tier of Auth0 and made a call, we would use what they call a social login with Google OAuth and that would allow anyone to have their standard Google or Gmail level security with 2FA/MFA etc, or as a secondary option we would offer an email and password type registration.

When we launched, we felt that by offering Google as a login option, this would cover-off anyone who wanted 2FA / MFA. But non Google MFA soon became the most requested feature.

So when we had some time to get our head out of the sand, we built an option for time-based or cell-phone-based multi-factor-authentication. You can use this MFA option with Google login or with the simple username and password option.

To turn it on.

  • Login to your account, click on the circle on the top right that has your face or initials.
  • Then click Account
  • Toggle the switch for MFA enabled

This will now log you out and turn on MFA for when you next login (you should do this right away)

Once you put your old login.password credentials in, you will be prompted with a QR code or the option to use SMS instead.

We think you will know what to do from here.

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