20 Ways To Build High PR Links To Your Website Today — Guide

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6 min readSep 28, 2016

In search engine optimization (SEO) terminology, a backlink is a unique hyperlink that links from a Web page, back to your own Web page. Also called an Inbound Link (IBL) these links determine the popularity (or importance) of your Web site on search engines like; Google Search.

To get high PR authoritative links, creating content that resonates with your audience is key. But how do you do this? To keep readers coming back, you must create a style on how you present your content.

There is no set way of gaining backlinks, but I will guide you to start building great links for you website. Links that will help you grow through the search ranks and build authority towards your content, which in turn will gain backlinks from authority readers.

1. Create social media profiles

Don’t use social media? well, it’s time to think again. Creating a profile on social networks that you are active on and fill in useful data as much as possible. After setting up your profiles, start re-purposing content you have created, focus on content from your website and blog to build the right backlinks.

This will increases your social media visibility and also builds links to your website and stops others from using brand on social networks. When you create profiles on other websites, always include your website URL. You can use these tools to schedule your post.

2. Start a Resource List and publish it

Resource lists can create a great link bait while helping readers find the resources to help solve their problems. When you create a comprehensive resource list, this helps other bloggers to link to your content on their own posts making it a win-win situation for both parties.

3. Create Irresistible Content

Creating irresistible content that contains fundamental information focused on a particular industry on your website blog. Always use keyword-rich anchor text for links to your website content. Links that are technically no follow links can also help with citations for your website.

Example of similar fundamental content: “Link-Building 101 Guide″.

4. Get involved in guest blogging

Start writing guest blog posts, and promote to other blogs to see if it will be published. When your post is approved, you can gain an inbound link from the blog that post your content.

There are a lot of media outlets that will let you guest post, this outlets including: Los Angeles Times, Mashable, Business Insider, and more. Just get it started!

5. Directory Link building

Business directories can be a great way to gain new inbound links across the web. List your website with your business data. Check list of authoritative business directories.

Directory link building can cost money but it’s worth the investment in the long run. I have worked with 100 plus businesses in getting listed on quality directories and they have seen a flow of targeted traffic and potential clients flooding their way.

6. Publish Unique Articles Online

Publish an article to online content sites like; inbound.org, medium, and Self-Growth. They all offer free signups and the opportunity to publish your articles on their website.

This is a great opportunity to showcase your expertise in your industry and have a new set of audience.

7. Be a Publicist for your Business

Press coverage can give you a load of potential authoritative inbound links. Getting yourself mentioned on an industry website or even within the newspaper can produce links back to your site from those media outlets.

8. Be a case study

case studies help you link your clients with an inbound link, so you should also be a case study for someone else. Let the tables turn — instead, volunteer your time to one of your major vendors, for a case study about your business. Once publish you will automatically gain an inbound link.

9. Publish Press Releases Weekly or Monthly

Release an online press release weekly or monthly about new updates and products. Your press release can be found by journalists who can distribute your content all over the web without you lifting a finger. Make sure to include links back to your website, so you could gain authoritative inbound links form your article.

10. Create free tools

Free tools can keep you potential customers coming back for more or linking back to your tools from their blog. Creating free tools for users, build trust and confidence.

11. Comment on Other Blogs

Posting comments on another blogs gives you the opportunity to link back to your site. Do not SPAM blogs with useless comments just to get a backlink, instead provide knowledge about the set topic and build relationships. Start conversations, engage with others, and get involve in the community on their blog.

You can also share your expertise or perspective with brand new audience.

12. Re-purpose your Articles

You shouldn’t limit your article readership simply by marketing your blog. Find other ways to promote your content by re-purposing it to other sites that may have your user base.

Re-purpose content on sites like; Slideshare, linkedIn, Medium etc.

13. Ask for website reviews

Just ask for reviews! When you have past clients that trust and believe in your business, you can set out to push for reviews from them. You receive an inbound link! You’ll also collect great feedback and strengthen your relationship and builds trust towards your business.

14. Feel like your Business is Local

Local links can help you rank better on search engines when local customers search online. Start by visiting your nearest local chamber of commerce and build a relation with them, the better business bureau, and local library. These sites are trusted within your local community and your site can benefit from exposure there provides by them to your community.

15. Social media sharing widgets on your site

Install social media widgets so others can share your content directly from the page. This will help get your content out there, so do install social sharing buttons and widgets in strategic parts of your site. Best places; you blog, downloadable content on your site, case studies and infographs.

16. Answer and Questions (Q&A)

Use high authority sites like Yahoo! Answers, Quora can be valuable by allowing you to answer questions and post your own questions. You gain an opportunity to provide relevant links back to your site within your answer. Answering quality questions effectively will give you credibility in front of a potential audience. Start solving problem by providing clean and clear solution on Q&A sites.

17. Fix webmaster error on another site

Build relationships with other webmasters and always extend a helping hand. When you find broken links on other sites, communicate with the owner and provide them with a piece of your own content that would be a suitable replacement for that broken link. Keep it professional and make friends in the process.

18. Sponsor an Event

Sponsoring an event can build credibility and more inbound links. Most volunteer charitable organizations list their sponsored partners on their site and they also provide an authoritative do follow link back to your website.

19. Win Business Awards

Look for reputable business awards and submit your company based on the industry. This can feel like you are begging to be recognized, but usually this technique will give you a link or two from the contest’s website and the great exposure from winning a shinning awards for your services or products.

20. Host an Event at your business location

You can host a networking event, charity fundraiser or happy hour at your business location for free. Not only will this give your business new offline exposure, but most of those events will be posted online with links to the business location and your web link. This will give you inbound links in the 100's.


You don’t have to be a genius to follow some of these tips, make a plan and start with a few ideas. Once you have kept those in motion for a while, you will start to see the value of this list and how it can help you grow your online business further.

Originally published at www.backlinkfy.com.




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