How To Use Google Adwords And Bing Ads For Effective SEM

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7 min readSep 6, 2016

Over the past 25 years, the Internet has transformed the way we all communicate around the world, doing business, and searching for helpful information to improve our lives.

Back in the day, people used to primarily browse through lots of encyclopedias, directories and catalogs to look for valuable information about a brand, product, or service. In today’s digital age — you are in control as to what you will like to fins and where to find it with a few keywords and clicks to a web page.

With how people are searching for information today, this has prompted businesses to make adjustments accordingly and focus their marketing strategy around keywords that represent their business interest.

As the evolution took place, so did Search Engine Marketing.

SEM with Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is utilized as the most effective tool of reaching out to targeted customers using effective targeted keyword strategy. PPC can help your business gain more digital exposure and a wider reach with your targeted market. See this infographic to learn more about ppc campaigns.

The following provides a comprehensive understanding of what you will need to get your PPC campaigns on the road, that will create a big impact on your bottom line and create a better Return on your investment (ROI).

1. Select a Good Keyword Research Tool

Keywords are the core of any successful or failed PPC marketing campaign, so selecting the best set of keywords for your campaign is probably the most important aspect in your online marketing project.

The best way to an effective selection of keywords in your niche, is to find the words and phrases your targeted customers are actually using to look for the product or service you are marketing.

You can achieve this by using a good keyword research tool. There are several available for marketers and businesses to use online. Some are free to use, while others require a purchase or a monthly subscription fee.

Here is a list of some popular keyword research tools to try:


UberSuggest tool will give you a very long list of keywords, either in a numerical or alphabetical order, based on variations. Adding the prefix and readjusting your word phrases will give you even more options to pick from.

Keyword Discovery

Keywords discovery tool has a free and paid premium options. The free version gives you only 50 search entries per task, providing you with thousands of keyword phrase ideas based on the original keyword term you entered.


SEMrush tool is unique in many ways. Want to know what your competitors’ keywords? SEMrush can let you take a peek using only your competitor’s domain name, returning specific organic or paid keyword combinations for each competitor.

Keyword Spy

Keyword Spy is another paid keyword research tool that lets you see what your competitors’ websites are using for both paid and organize keyword searches, aside from analytics and incoming search links information.

2. Create Keyword Groups for Your PPC Marketing Campaign

After identifying different valuable keywords you can use, the next step is to group these keywords together for individual PPC campaign within Adwords and Bing Ads. You can either do this manually, or use a grouping tool like the one provided by WordStream or AdStage.

Efficient keyword groups can give you better advertising score, higher conversion rates, and more accurate market segmentation within your industry. With groups, you can put together keywords that are semantic related, which means the words are basically actually referring to or accurately describing the same thing but different spellings.

3. Find the Right Set of Keywords to Use for Your Campaign

Once done selecting the right keyword tool for your campaign, the next step is to go ahead and use that tool to build a keyword set to use for bidding on your campaigns for PPC Advertising.

The goal is to select keywords that will drive targeted traffic and you can do that by choosing keywords that majority of your targeted visitors are actually using during searches or find low searches and target them for less competition.

Selecting the right set of keywords that support your business is very crucial if you want to have a profitable PPC campaign. Wrong sets of keyword may either attract only a few targeted visitors or drive traffic that will actually not be interested in what you have to offering and therefore wasteful spending on your advertising.

4. Create Persuasive Targeted Ad Campaigns

The next step is to create a good ad copy that you will use for your PPC campaign. Your ad copy should be written well and not sounding too generic in order for you to attract targeted customers. Making your ads too generic or vague would only attract non-buyers, wasting your click-through and your marketing budget.

The PPC Ad copy should be clear, descriptive, compelling and with a precise call to action and drive them towards your landing or sales page.

5. Create an Optimized Landing Page that Engages

Your landing page is where targeted visitors go to after clicking on your PPC ads. This is where the real action takes place, where people can actually buy or subscribe to a product or a service you are offering.

Your landing page can also be a site where you can get the contact information from your visitors and re-direct them to your official ordering page. The main purpose of setting up a landing page is to solicit a Call-TO-Action from your visitors.

It should be designed for this purpose only, with content that will make people want to stay and take action on that page. It is created not only to accept targeted visitors but to convert these visits into leads or a potential sell.

6. Establish Your SEM Marketing Campaign Budget

Pay-Per-Click marketing is paid advertising. This should be clear as you will need to set a specific budget for your ppc marketing campaign. The cost of your campaign is determined by clicks from your ad to your landing page — which is the cost-per-click (CPC) of your ad.

Keep in mind, you would not want to spend more than what you planned for your budget. To make sure that you will not go over budget, you must specify your monthly or daily budgets through the appropriate budget settings provided by AdWords or Bind Ads.

For Bing ads, budgets can be directly specified on a monthly or daily basis while AdWords uses the monthly maximum spending allowance based on your daily budget setting.

7. Monitor Your PPC SEM Campaign

Once you’ve rolled out your PPC SEM campaign and have your landing pages ready to receive traffic from your PPC ads, the next step is to check and monitor your marketing progress to improve on the quality and effectiveness of all ad groups.

You can monitor the performance of your ads based on the following key indicators:

  • Ad Quality Score
  • Impressions from campaign groups
  • Average Cost per click (CPC)
  • Average Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  • Average Position on SERP

Monitor your PPC campaign as to continuously improve your ad copy, keyword phrases — focusing on search phrases that actually bring in quality traffic, focusing on ads that allure your target market to click more on your ads, and discontinue use of words that do not deliver results or are not relevant to what you are offering.

Manage your campaign carefully and provide better user experience for users than other advertisers in your niche. This will help PPC networks to reward your work by giving you lower CPC or cost-per-click and putting your ads at the top of search engine results.

Updating and managing your campaign is very crucial as this can make or break your PPC campaign. You only want to spend money on those activities that produces results for your business and brings in portential leads or customers or are ready to buy.

Monitoring your PPC campaigns at least twice a week is very essential to the success of your campaigns!


It is important to clarify that the purpose of PPC SEM campaigns is to attract targeted visitors to your sales or landing pages for the primary purpose of converting these visits into actual sales while making a profit.

All PPC visitors use search engines to look for answers to their problems and needs. Your PPC ads can show them the way to your business where they can find these answers and solutions. This is why PPC campaigns are very effective in marketing, because it creates targeted advertising that actually deliver targeted and profitable results — if the set-up process is done right.

Find out how to setup your first Pay Per Click Campaign professionally.

Originally published at




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