Why Being Heartbroken Can Be So Devastating

And why it’s worth it

José Roberto Valladares
Bookshelf Notes


It can be as soothing as marijuana, as electrifying as cocaine, as warming as heroin. And as lethal as a cocktail of them all.

Love has always been a drug to man’s soul. Highly addictive and extremely intoxicating, from source of inspiration to cause of despair. From the dawn of time to the 21st century it has both corrupted and purified our existence.

Love seems to transcend space and time, breaking barriers and stopping at nothing until a heart has been impregnated. It is an invisible narcotic that somehow takes full control of our body, mind and soul. An explosion of chemical reactions that takes place inside our brain and makes its way down to our heart.

The thing is, it can take you from the highest highs, to the lowest lows.

The Highs

Helen Fisher, American anthropologist, human behaviour researcher, and author of “Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love”, once said that the brain region where we find activity related to love, also becomes active when you feel the rush of cocaine.

The difference is, Fisher added, you eventually come down from a cocaine high.



José Roberto Valladares
Bookshelf Notes

Physics, self-development and writing enthusiast. A 22 year old science geek giving you some (hopefully) useful insight on how to live your best life. Milan📍