The Art of Contrarian UX

Zvi Epner
Backpack Programmer
2 min readApr 12, 2023

10 Unconventional Ideas for Better Websites

In the constantly evolving field of interface design, it’s essential to stay adaptable and open to new ideas. Here are some counterintuitive insights that can shake up your approach to user experience and help you create websites that truly resonate with your visitors.

Prioritize visitors’ exploration

Instead of bombarding users with sales pitches, allow them to explore your website and discover your offerings at their own pace. Encourage learning opportunities and empower visitors to choose the best options for their needs.

Focus on simplicity

A simple, intuitive interface can be more inviting and engaging than a complex one. Don’t be afraid to strip down your design to its essentials, prioritizing user experience over flashy visuals or complex features.

Tailor the experience

Leverage modern technology to offer highly customized experiences, making real-time adjustments based on subtle user actions. “Listening” to your users’ needs and preferences can help you create a more personalized and enjoyable experience for each visitor.

Emphasize emotional connections

Design your website to evoke positive emotions, fostering a sense of connection and trust between your brand and your visitors. This approach can encourage users to subscribe, promote, and refer others to your site.

Encourage user autonomy

Rather than forcing sales, position your brand as a trusted source of information and inspiration, guiding users to make their own choices. Empowering your visitors can lead to higher engagement and customer loyalty.

Revisit the basics

Innovation is vital, but sometimes it’s essential to step back and evaluate the foundations of your website. Focus on creating an ideal conversation without technical limitations, presenting a simpler way for customers to access your products and services.

Embrace adaptability

Be open to change and willing to adjust your strategies based on user feedback and industry trends. The most successful websites continuously evolve, ensuring that they remain relevant and engaging for their visitors.

Strive for meaningful interactions

Aim to facilitate genuine exchanges between your brand and your users, helping them understand the value of your offerings. Prioritize clear conversion points and evaluative metrics to ensure that your website effectively addresses your visitors’ needs.

Learn from other industries

Look beyond the world of UX for inspiration and valuable insights. Lessons from industries like education, for example, can help inform your approach to user experience design and offer fresh perspectives.

Cultivate patience and empathy

Creating interfaces requires patience and empathy. Users have diverse needs, preferences, and abilities. Be prepared to iterate and refine your designs to create the best possible experience for every visitor.

As a final thought, these counterintuitive insights can be the key to unlocking extraordinary user experiences. Stay curious, challenge conventional wisdom, and watch your designs flourish.



Zvi Epner
Backpack Programmer

I build flexible and reliable software for fun and profit.