How to plan a trip to bhutan

Plant Care
Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2020

Ever heard of Bhutan? Well, normally you shouldn’t just because of the name. But this is a real country, and it’s wonderful. Bhutan, the land of the thundering dragon, is located in the high peaks of the Himalayas. If you’re ever heading there (and you should think about it), here’s how to plan a trip to Bhutan.

Where is Bhutan?

Bhutan is located in South Asia. It’s situated nesting in the Himalayas and between giant neighbors India and China.

How to get there?

There aren’t that many tourists in Bhutan, mainly because it’s not really easy to get there. Not expensive, just difficult. The Kingdom of Bhutan has been cut off for centuries before open themselves to the rest the world in the early 2000’s. The Bhutan Government is extremely cautious towards foreign visitors to avoid negative consequence to culture and environment. In order to go inside the borders of Bhutan, one must be a guest of the Bhutan Government (if you are, why are you here?) or be approved on a Bhutan travel program. Oh we’ll get to that.

For most of us, the only way to Bhutan is flight. Druk Air is the only airline that is allowed in Bhutan. And you need approval for the travel program and Visa clearance before you can book the flight.

When should you plan a trip to Bhutan?

Start planning 2 months before you actually go. Here’s when you should arrive:

  • Surprisingly, not summer. From June to August is the season of monsoon rains and leeches, which stop all treks. However, mountainous flowers are beautiful this time of year.
  • The weather is ideal in spring and autumn. But be sure to book everything in advance, accommodation options maybe limited. Himalayan views are best in October, while rhododendron blooms peak in March and April.
  • The winter isn’t so bad, but it might get chilly in December and January.

What is a travel program?

Not required for Indian tourists.

It’s a package for a tourist to come and stay in Bhutan. Without paying for it in advance, you (probably) cannot get a Visa, cannot go to Bhutan, and cannot get any service if you somehow manage to come here.

The minimum package will cover the following service:

  • At least 3 star accommodation (anything higher would require additional premium)
  • All meals (don’t expect the best or a buffet, just standard)
  • A local guide that can speak understandable English
  • Internal transportation
  • Camping equipment for treks

The cost

The standard traveling program costs $200 per person per day for January, February, June, July, August, and February; 250$ per person per day for March, April, May, September, October, and November. This includes $65 royalty fee that goes towards free education, free healthy care, poverty alleviation, and infrastructure building. Children under 12 are exempt from this royalty fee.

40$ for a Bhutan Visa.

Indian tourists won’t need the travel program. Therefore, they can set their own travel budget. Standard hotel rooms cost $20-$40 per night. Restaurant meals in Thimphu cost $5-$15.

The currency of Bhutan Ngultrum and Chetrum. 1 USD = 66.5 Ngultrum (5/4/2016). 1 Ngultrum = 100 Chetrum. You may use Indian Rupee in Bhutan but it isn’t officially accepted. Though don’t act shocked if you receive change in Rupee. It’s ok to carry a certain amount of Rupee to Bhutan. Although India prohibited the exportation of their currency.


This is where I feel like I’m applying for college all over again. It’s not easy obtaining a Bhutan Visa. Visas are issued to tourists directly from the tour guide. Bhutan Visas are only issued from Thimphu. Your application must be submitted via your travel guide. Visa clearance takes at least 30 days.

If that sounds like too much procedure, it is. To sum it up, here’s how you get a Bhutan Visa:

  • Submit an application form to Bhutan at your local traveling agent. Consult thoroughly, take into consideration flight availability.
  • Decide how long you want to stay in Bhutan (preferably 7–10 days) and pay for the traveling program and the Visa.
  • Wait 30 days (or more) for your Visa clearance.
  • Book your flight. Be sure you check the information carefully before checking in. Druk Air will not get you a ticket without the Visa clearance.
  • Your Visa will be handed to you directly by your guide when you touch down at Paro.

Visitors from India, Maldives, and Bangladesh don’t need Bhutan Visas to travel to Bhutan.

So that’s what you need to plan a trip to Bhutan. Did I miss anything? Leave it down at the comments below. I’ll see you, soon.

