dotGo Europe

Blake Mizerany Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2017

Last week I went to Paris to host the one day, single-track conference DotGoEurope. The conference is something that I am drawn to: short 18-minute lightning talks on everything Go. I always walk away from the day eager to apply what I learned to get shit done faster, and better than before.

Gopher selfie with Francesc Campoy

It was a great conference, I am always thoroughly impressed with the ability of the dotConference team to put a full agenda of interesting and funny talks.

One of the most mind-blowing talks of the day was Liz Rice, who built a debugger from scratch on stage, live. Creating debuggers in any language is always a challenge, and walking us through it step by step is a risky bet, but Liz pulled it off without skipping a beat. By the end of the talk she had demystified what many of us take for granted and see as “that thing you put breakpoints in your code with.”

Gopher selfie with Liz Rice

Now that I’m back stateside, I’m eager to put all of this inspiration to use with my team at Backplane.

Shameless plug: If you’ll be at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon this December in Austin, come say hello and I’ll buy you a refreshment. Check out my talk, “Ask Your Proxy, It Knows Everything” Wednesday, December 6 at 2:00 pm.

