Data analysis of the #funny-stuff channel

Rotimi Babalola
Backticks & Tildes
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2017
Get it? 😃

Hello there! In this article I would like to share the results of my analysis on data scraped from a channel — #funny-stuff in my workplace’s Slack team. #funny-stuff is a Slack channel where we share funny posts, messages, tweets, videos in my workplace.

I’ve had some interesting questions about this channel and I decided to analyze data scraped from the channel to answer these questions.

In this article, we are going to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the funniest messages in the channel?
  2. Who posted the messages for (1)?
  3. Who are the most active users in the channel?
  4. What were the most popular reactions?

Please note that the data I used for my analysis covers messages posted in the channel from January 1st 2017 to December 8th 2017. Therefore the results of the analysis reflect the data that was collected during that time period.

Before we begin, here is a quick summary of the data I scrapped from the channel — in the time period I collected the data, 8000 messages were posted by 341 users. These messages gathered a total of 52769 reactions. Clearly, this is a very busy channel!

What were the funniest messages in the channel?

I used the total number of reactions for each message to determine which message was the funniest. In descending order here are the top 3 funniest messages in the channel. I will be posting screenshots of the posts and links to them.

Number 3

This message was posted by @ayodelevm

Screenshot of the third funniest post

This message gathered a total of 72 reactions.

Number 2

This message posted by @jedi-eugene

Screenshot of the second funniest post

This message gathered a total of 150 reactions.

Number 1

This message was posted by @femioladeji

Screenshot of the funniest post

This message gathered a total of 164 reactions

Who are the most active users in the channel?

To determine this, I counted the total messages posted by all users in the channel and made a plot of the top 10 users who posted the most messages. Here is the plot

Top 10 active users in the funny stuff channel

What are the most used reactions within the channel?

Now to the last question, what reactions were the most used in the channel? Here is the bar chart showing the top 10 most popular reactions

Barchart for top 10 most used reactions

As you can see, the top 2 reactions — joy and rotfl (short for rolling on the floor laughing) in total have been used over 30,000 times! That’s a lot of laughs! 😂

Clearly, the messages in this channel are serving their purpose — making people laugh.

In general, from the plot, you can see that majority of the reactions have a positive sentiment which would indicative that channel has a pretty positive sentiment or mood.

Further questions?

If you have any other questions you would love for me to use the data to answer let me know in the comment section! I would love to answer them and post my results.

Hope you enjoyed this reading post. Please clap 👏 for it if you did. Have a merry Christmas and an awesome 2018. ¡Hasta pronto! Bye for now.

