5 Reasons That Triggers You to Start Office 365

Novica Gijevski
Published in
3 min readMay 26, 2021

At the outset, let me explain something. This is not a G-Suite vs. Office 365 or anything vs. Office 365. It is an explanation of the best parts of Office 365.

It has many great startup options, and it is up to the founders to be informed and choose the best one for their organization.

1. Hyper-growth

Startups have problems with scalability over our craziest ideas. You need a platform that offers a low price today but can reach 100 employees in one day.

If you do not plan for irreplaceable growth and are ready for it at any time, you are doomed to fail.

Look at Airbnb. They were a challenging startup, going door-to-door, taking pictures, rejected by capitalists, to be a $10 billion business overnight. That’s all you need to know about them.

Microsoft’s Office 365 is created for any kind of business, small or large.

With a monthly subscription for one user, prices start low, allowing you to grow your business without worrying about your space, email, and collaboration tools growing with you.

You can easily add and remove hundreds of users at any time.

2. Employee experience that attracts star talent

Does anyone join the startup and plan to work 9–5? Does anyone want to be in the office until midnight or drive to the office on Saturday? Who does not want to work in pajamas?

The journey that people make with your organization and their interactions with colleagues, and the tools you provide are vital to attracting and retaining the world’s best employees.

Startups need tools that will give employees the best experience.

Hiring top talent and potential employees starts with leadership and ends with the tools they use regularly. From the iconic Office suite to Microsoft Teams, Office 365 is designed to provide the best employee experience.

3. Focus on the core

Startups must find something that brings value to their customers and focus on it. Make the best decision, keep fighting every day to add value, and take care of customers.

Leadership can not waste time with salespeople and must maintain a daily routine as low as possible.

Every application and service that you add to your business will take up constant time.

The nightmare of having too many sellers does not stop there. Every new employee needs to be trained to gain the skills in each software.

Each product will need to be monitored for changes, and you will need to update the documentation.

4. Customizable

Customizing the products used by your employees seems almost counter-intuitive to the previous “Focus on the Core” point. Customizing your tools can save time.

When you have multiple social media accounts to manage, it isn’t easy to track. Instead of opening various browsers each morning, drag the data to Microsoft Teams.

5. Office Suite

There is no comparison of Microsoft Office 365 with any other solution. With Dictation, you can write a document in Word by speaking.

Using PowerPoint design ideas, you can create a presentation that will blow your customers up with fewer clicks.

Outlook is where everyone lives. Emails, tasks, calendars, and contacts are integrated into CRM, teams, WebEx, and more. Excel formulas and graphs make data fast and easy.

All of these reasons make Office 365 an incredible suite for any business, but Microsoft has a tiny issue — it does not provide the proper Office 365 backup.

It would be best if you considered a solution from a reliable partner in the likes of Altaro. Altaro Office 365 backup is among the best solutions in backup software development!



Novica Gijevski

Novica Gijevski delivers unmatched reliability and is a well-experienced professional for business with an indicated performance record.