Advanced Techniques for Backing Up and Restoring Microsoft 365 Planner Data

Michael Felton
Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2024

data backup and recovery are critical aspects of maintaining business continuity and protecting valuable information. As businesses increasingly rely on cloud-based solutions like Microsoft 365, ensuring the security and availability of data becomes paramount. Microsoft 365 Planner, a powerful tool for task management and team collaboration, is no exception. It helps teams organize and assign tasks, track progress, and collaborate effectively. However, the data within Planner, including tasks, comments, and attachments, is susceptible to loss due to various reasons such as accidental deletion, software errors, or cyberattacks. Therefore, it is essential to implement robust backup and recovery strategies for Microsoft 365 Planner data.

While Microsoft 365 offers native backup and recovery features, these may not always suffice for comprehensive data protection. This is where third-party Microsoft 365 total backup solutions come into play. These tools can enhance your backup efforts by providing additional layers of security, automated processes, and more extensive recovery options, ensuring that your Planner data is always safe and accessible.

Understanding Microsoft 365 Planner and Its Data

Microsoft 365 Planner is a versatile tool designed to help teams manage tasks and collaborate on projects. It stores various types of data, including tasks, comments, and attachments. Each task can include detailed information such as descriptions, due dates, assigned users, and attached files, making Planner a central hub for project management. However, the integral nature of this data also makes it vulnerable. Data loss in Planner can result from accidental deletions, software issues, or security breaches, leading to significant disruptions in project workflows and productivity.

Native Backup and Recovery Features in Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 provides built-in backup and recovery features, such as version history and retention policies. These features allow users to recover previous versions of files and restore deleted items within a certain timeframe. However, these native features have limitations, particularly for Planner data. For example, Planner does not offer a straightforward way to back up all data or restore it to a previous state. This limitation necessitates the need for advanced backup techniques and third-party solutions to ensure comprehensive data protection.

Advanced Backup Techniques for Microsoft 365 Planner Data

To protect your Planner data effectively, consider implementing advanced backup techniques. One approach is to regularly export Planner data to Excel or CSV files. This manual method involves exporting your plans periodically to create a backup that can be stored securely and used for recovery if needed. Another effective technique is to use Microsoft Power Automate, a tool that allows you to create automated workflows for backing up Planner data. By setting up automated data export tasks, you can ensure that your Planner data is regularly backed up without manual intervention.

Additionally, you can leverage the Microsoft Graph API to develop custom backup solutions tailored to your organization’s specific needs. The Graph API provides access to various Microsoft 365 services, including Planner, enabling you to create scripts or applications that automate the backup process and store the data securely.

Enhancing Backup with Third-Party Solutions

While advanced techniques can significantly improve your backup efforts, third-party solutions offer additional benefits that can enhance your overall backup strategy. Third-party tools are designed to provide comprehensive backup and recovery options, addressing the limitations of native Microsoft 365 features. These solutions often include automated backup schedules, secure data storage, and easy-to-use recovery processes, making them valuable additions to your data protection arsenal.

Examples of third-party backup solutions include Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365, AvePoint Cloud Backup, and Datto SaaS Protection. These tools offer extensive backup capabilities, ensuring that your Planner data is continuously protected and easily recoverable. Integrating these solutions with Microsoft 365 Planner can enhance your data protection strategy, providing peace of mind and minimizing the risk of data loss.

Actionable Tips for Effective Backup and Recovery

To ensure the effectiveness of your backup and recovery efforts, establish a regular backup schedule. Regularly backing up your Planner data ensures that you have the most recent information available in case of data loss. Additionally, storing your backup data securely is crucial to protect it from unauthorized access and potential breaches. Regularly test your recovery process to ensure that your backups are functional and can be restored when needed. This practice helps identify any issues in your backup strategy and ensures that you are prepared for potential data loss events.

Training your team members on backup and recovery protocols is also essential. Educating your staff on the importance of data protection and the steps to take in case of data loss can significantly improve your organization’s overall data security posture.


Securing your Microsoft 365 Planner data through effective backup and recovery practices is essential for maintaining business continuity and protecting valuable information. By leveraging both native Microsoft 365 features and advanced techniques, you can create a robust backup strategy that ensures your data is always safe and accessible. Additionally, incorporating third-party backup solutions can enhance your efforts, providing comprehensive protection and peace of mind.

Implementing these best practices and maintaining a proactive approach to data backup and recovery can help safeguard your Planner data against potential threats and disruptions. By staying informed about the latest trends and tools in backup and recovery, you can ensure that your organization remains resilient and prepared for any data loss scenarios.



Michael Felton

Tech enthusiast, nature lover, father of 3. 10+ years of experience writing for IT blogs.