Email Critical Data — Keep Emailing Safe With a Proper Email Continuity Service

Kalin Anastasov
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2022

One way to ensure email continuity is to use a service that acts as a backup system whenever the primary email server goes down. Despite being old technology, email is the primary method of communication for companies and businesses.

So, it makes sense to keep emailing safe with an email continuity service that will protect critical data and confidential information.

It’s not uncommon for a business’s emailing server to go offline. When that happens, a few issues emerge. If someone is sending emails while the email servers are offline, the data gets lost in transit. Not only that, but every email you send will also not reach the destination mailbox.

This is bad for a number of reasons. But none is more important than business continuity. If a business relies on email for communication, ensuring email continuity will ensure business continuity.

Because of that, it’s vital for businesses to use a third-party service to protect both the sender and receiver in case the mail server goes offline.

We will talk about the importance of email communication, how to protect it, and how an email continuity service does all that in this guide. Let’s start.

What Is Email Continuity?

Email continuity is an automated process where the sender can send and receive emails from their email address even if the primary email server is down. Email continuity solutions protect a business's email systems from outages, damages, and malicious actors.

In a sense, email continuity solutions act as backups for mail systems. These services prevent operational interruptions. The benefits of using a backup email server are numerous. From protecting confidential information, customer orders, and other business communications, it is a form of email security measure that prevents financial losses and protects the company’s image.

Benefits Of Using A Business Continuity Email Service

As mentioned previously, there are numerous benefits to using a business continuity email service. Let’s look at that in more detail.

Ensuring Mail Systems Are Operational

Businesses constantly exchange sensitive data through email. But with a mail server outage, businesses risk losing the sensitive data in transit. One of the benefits of using a continuity email service is ensuring mail systems are operational. The way this works is simple.

The service acts as a backup server that queues emails for delivery. While the primary mail server gets back online, the service makes a copy of the email and keeps it in the cloud. It also enables the transfer of incoming and outgoing emails. If a business is sending or receiving sensitive data, users can log in to the email portal and access the data.

Protecting Sensitive Data

One of the more surprising benefits of email continuity solutions is spam filtering and virus and malware monitoring. Most malware gets sent through email. Businesses are prime targets for phishing attacks, ransomware attacks, and other forms of malware.

But businesses are also susceptible to outages. Regardless if it’s a power outage, a server crash, or a hard disk failure, it’s vital to have an alternative solution for data security and protection.

In the case of an external malicious threat, a click on a malicious link is all it takes to compromise an entire network. Businesses must use an email encryption system to prevent attackers from gaining access to sensitive information.

Email encryption is a feature of business continuity email solutions. The feature is one form of security mechanism that encrypts email messages and prevents attackers from gaining access to sensitive information. There’s a better way to boost email security than with a service that does it all.

Works Automatically

With an email continuity solution, you don’t need to worry about anything. The service will kick in automatically whenever an outage occurs. You don’t need to intervene manually in any way.

That way, mail servers are always up, even if the primary mail server is out. You can send sensitive data to the intended recipient knowing that the service will do all the hard work. These are powerful cloud services that monitor potential defects on the primary server. If the server has failed, the business continuity email service will kick in automatically and allow access to Outlook and email providers.

Some services offer Office 365 email continuity. Since Outlook is susceptible to failure, an Office 365 secure email service will give access to emails through a third-party portal.

Should You Use Business Continuity Email Service?

The aim of email continuity is to prevent outages and viruses from compromising your business operations. With a business continuity email service, data protection is on high alert. Besides that, it guarantees uninterrupted email communications.

The benefits of using a third-party service drastically outweigh the costs.


There is no more professional way to communicate with business partners and clients than email. But email servers are susceptible to crashes and outages. Email providers promise a safe and uninterrupted flow of email messages, but we all know that is far from the truth.

Having a backup email server can save your business a lot of money. It can also prevent sensitive information from getting in the wrong hands. With an email continuity solution, businesses boost their email security measures and ensure secure emails reach their destination.


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Kalin Anastasov

Freelance wordsmith in love with personal finance. Crafting stories, decoding money, and navigating the twenties. 📚💰