How Do Backups Protect Your Office 365?

Michael Felton
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2023

Office 365 has become the go-to productivity suite for businesses, offering a wide range of tools and services to enhance collaboration and streamline operations. In addition, office 365 is an immensely powerful suite of applications that enables businesses to accumulate large chunks of data.

The replacement of traditional pen and paper with digital tools forces businesses to safeguard their most valuable data. Unfortunately, relying solely on the built-in features of Office 365 for data protection may not provide sufficient coverage in the event of accidental deletions, data corruption, cyberattacks, or system failures.

That’s why businesses acquire Office 365 total backup tools to streamline their backup operations. But, again, relying only on backup tools isn’t enough. Instead, businesses must ensure the safety and availability of their critical Office 365 data by implementing a robust backup strategy.

In this article, we will explore the importance of backups in protecting your Office 365 environment and discuss various ways backups can safeguard your organization’s data.

Does Office 365 Backup My Data?

Office 365 does offer some level of data protection through features like versioning, retention policies, and the ability to recover deleted items. However, it’s important to note that these native backup capabilities have limitations.

They are primarily designed to protect against user errors and accidental deletions within the Office 365 ecosystem. They may not provide comprehensive backup and restore options for more complex scenarios, such as widespread data loss or malicious attacks.

Furthermore, Office 365 follows the “shared responsibility” model, which states that both Microsoft and the users are responsible for ensuring data protection and availability. Because of that, the issue becomes two-fold.

On the one hand, you must acquire the proper means to backup your data. And on the other, you must ensure backup mechanisms work to reap the benefits of having total data availability for business continuity.

Can I Backup My Office 365 Data Using External Means?

Yes, you can and should back up your Office 365 data using external means to ensure comprehensive protection. By leveraging third-party backup solutions specifically designed for Office 365, you can overcome the limitations of native backup features and gain additional benefits such as:

Complete Data Protection

Third-party backup solutions allow you to create comprehensive backups of all your Office 365 data, including emails, files, calendars, contacts, and SharePoint/OneDrive content. This ensures that no critical information is left unprotected.

Long-Term Retention

Backup solutions often provide long-term retention capabilities, allowing you to store historical data for extended periods. This is useful for compliance purposes, legal requirements, or simply maintaining a complete data archive.

Granular Recovery

In the event of data loss or corruption, third-party backup solutions enable granular recovery options. You can restore individual items, emails, files, or even entire mailboxes, minimizing the impact of data loss and reducing downtime.

Protection Against Cyberattacks

Backup solutions act as a safety net against ransomware attacks and other cyber threats. In case your Office 365 data is compromised or encrypted, you can rely on backups to restore clean copies of your information and resume operations quickly.

Independent Storage

Storing backups in a separate location, preferably in a different cloud or on-premises environment, adds an extra layer of protection. It protects your data from cloud service outages, accidental deletions, or data loss events affecting your Office 365 environment.

5 Ways Keeping Backups Protect Office 365

With that said, let’s look at how keeping backups of your most valuable and sensitive data protects your Office 365 and your organization as a whole.

Business Continuity

By having comprehensive backups of your Office 365 data, you can ensure business continuity even in the face of data loss incidents. Backups provide a quick and reliable means of restoring critical information, minimizing downtime, and allowing your employees to continue working without major disruptions.

Compliance and Legal Requirements

Many industries have specific compliance and legal requirements regarding data retention and protection. Keeping backups of your Office 365 data helps you meet these obligations, ensuring that you have access to historical information whenever needed.

Recovery from User Errors

Accidental deletions, modifications, or overwrites of important data are common user errors that can lead to significant consequences. Backups provide a safety net, allowing you to restore the affected data to its previous state or recover deleted items.

Protection Against Malicious Activities

Cyberattacks, such as ransomware, phishing, or insider threats, pose a constant risk to organizations. Regular backups help safeguard your Office 365 data from these threats, providing the ability to restore clean copies of compromised information and minimize the impact on your business operations.

Data Availability

Backups ensure that your Office 365 data is available even in situations where the primary data source is unavailable. This could be due to unexpected service outages, technical issues, or disruptions caused by natural disasters. Having backups allows you to maintain access to critical information and keep your organization running smoothly.


While Office 365 offers some native data protection features, they may not be sufficient for comprehensive backup and restore needs. To ensure the safety, availability, and integrity of your Office 365 data, it is crucial to implement a robust backup strategy. Third-party backup solutions provide advanced features, such as complete data protection, granular recovery options, long-term retention, and protection against cyber threats.

By keeping backups of your Office 365 data, you can safeguard your organization’s operations, meet compliance requirements, recover from user errors, protect against malicious activities, and ensure data availability in various scenarios.



Michael Felton

Tech enthusiast, nature lover, father of 3. 10+ years of experience writing for IT blogs.