How to Secure Your Digital Assets in Microsoft 365

Michael Felton
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2023

Digital assets have become a cornerstone of modern business operations, especially for those utilizing Microsoft 365. In this article, we delve into the essential strategies and practices for safeguarding your critical data. As reliance on cloud-based platforms grows, the importance of robust security measures cannot be overstated. We will explore the inherent challenges of data protection within Microsoft 365 and highlight the limitations of its native backup features.

Understanding these limitations, we introduce the concept of Microsoft 365 total backup tools. These tools serve as a comprehensive substitute, offering enhanced security and peace of mind. We will discuss how these tools work, their benefits, and why they are a necessary addition to your digital security toolkit. Whether you are a small business owner or part of a large corporation, this article will guide you through the steps needed to ensure your digital assets in Microsoft 365 are secure, accessible, and protected against a myriad of cyber threats.

Native Backup Features of Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 offers a range of native backup features designed to protect your digital assets. These features form the backbone of your organization’s security posture and are integral in safeguarding against data loss. Key among these features is Exchange Online Protection, a robust email filtering service that helps protect your organization against spam and malware. This service is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your communications and protecting sensitive data that flows through emails.

Another significant feature is the data loss prevention (DLP) capabilities within Microsoft 365. DLP policies help in identifying, monitoring, and protecting sensitive information across Microsoft 365 services. This includes ensuring that intellectual property and personal data are not shared inappropriately, either internally or externally. DLP policies are a crucial part of maintaining your current security posture, especially when dealing with large volumes of sensitive data.

The suite also includes advanced security features that are particularly useful when employees access corporate data from personal devices. These features allow administrators to block access to corporate data on unmanaged personal devices, aligning with the principles of zero trust security. Zero trust assumes no implicit trust is granted to assets or user accounts based solely on their physical or network location or based on asset ownership (whether owned by the corporation or by the individual).

Additionally, Microsoft 365 incorporates multifactor authentication (MFA), an essential security measure in today’s digital landscape. MFA requires users to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to resources, which significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access. This is especially important for protecting access to cloud apps and services where sensitive data is often stored.

Why Third-Party Backup Tools Are Important

While the native backup features of Microsoft 365 provide a baseline of protection, relying solely on them may leave gaps in your security posture. Third-party backup tools are often considered the better and preferred option for securing your M365 digital assets for several reasons.

Firstly, third-party tools typically offer more comprehensive and flexible backup options. They allow for more frequent and detailed backups, ensuring that all aspects of your data, including emails, documents, and more, are securely backed up and retrievable in case of data loss. This level of detail is particularly important when dealing with intellectual property and sensitive data, which might not be fully protected by native backup solutions.

Another advantage of third-party tools is their enhanced security features. Many of these tools come with advanced encryption methods for both in-transit and at-rest data, providing an additional layer of security beyond what’s available in Microsoft 365. This is crucial in a landscape where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated and targeted.

Moreover, third-party backup solutions often offer better control and visibility over your backups. You can set specific backup schedules, retention policies, and recovery options, tailored to your organization’s needs. This level of customization is vital for maintaining a robust security posture, especially in complex or highly regulated industries.

The integration of features like two-factor authentication (2FA) and multifactor authentication (MFA) in third-party tools also enhances your security posture. While Microsoft 365 includes MFA, third-party tools often offer more robust and customizable MFA options, further securing access to backup data.

Lastly, third-party backup tools are designed with a focus on compatibility and integration with a wide range of cloud apps and services, not just those provided by Microsoft. This ensures that your security posture is uniform and comprehensive, covering all aspects of your digital environment.

Wrapping Up

Safeguarding your assets in Microsoft 365 requires a proactive and layered approach. Embracing both Microsoft 365’s native features and the enhanced capabilities of third-party backup tools creates a robust defense against the unpredictable nature of cyber threats. This strategy not only fortifies your data protection regime but also aligns with the best practices of modern digital security, ensuring your assets remain secure, recoverable, and resilient against all forms of digital risks. As you continue to navigate the complexities of data security, remember that the strength of your defense lies in the integration of multiple, complementary tools working in harmony to protect your digital realm.



Michael Felton

Tech enthusiast, nature lover, father of 3. 10+ years of experience writing for IT blogs.