What Are the Most Common Types of Malware

Kalin Anastasov
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2022

In the ever-evolving world of cybercrime, plenty of types of malware exist. For those of you who have no idea what malware is, it is essentially malicious software with the goal of infecting a computer or a network to get something in return. Cybercriminals design malware to perform a wide range of tasks. The list includes stealing sensitive information, damaging IT infrastructure, identity theft, stealing money, etc.

You can imagine how important malware protection is. Luckily, you can safeguard yourself in a few ways. From installing spam filters to full-on data encryption, there are plenty of ways to combat the various types of malware.

But what are the most common types of malware used by cybercriminals? We will explain that in this short article.


Adware is one of the least harmful types of malware. It serves the role of installing unwanted ads that constantly pop up while you use your computer or laptop. In truth, adware is an annoying malware, but it can cause performance issues. However, the ads can lead users to download some pretty harmful malware.


A virus is the most commonly known malware and possibly one of the most harmful malware. Viruses work by infecting other programs and encrypting, deleting, or corrupting files, rendering them useless. To defend against these programs, users have to employ enterprise-level antivirus software that prevents their spread in the first place.

If a virus infects a computer or network, using an antivirus solution is the best course of action. With that said, not every computer virus is easy to remove. Some are gradually complex where it might already be too late. In such cases, it’s best to do a system wipe. But that will remove all files on your hard drives. A clever way to prevent damage from different types of malware in the future is to back up your files.


Unlike viruses, worms don’t require the user to launch a program to infect other programs and files. Instead, a worm will self-replicate and operate independently; without the user even knowing. The ultimate goal of a computer worm is to drain a computer or network of its resources. Some worms are designed to steal data, grant backdoor access to a malicious actor, modify or delete files, and install harmful software.


A trojan relies on social engineering to spread and infect computers and networks. The term “Trojan” comes from Homer’s Illiad, where the ancient Greeks gave the Trojans a large wooden horse to enter their city.

Given the origins, Trojan malware deceives the user by acting as a legitimate program. Once the user runs the malicious program, it will infect the system and damage infrastructure, disrupt the flow of information, steal data, and install additional harmful malware.

Trojans are some of the most dangerous types of malware that come in tons of varieties.


Ransomware is malware that encrypts data and holds the victim to ransom until they pay the money the hacker requests. You might think that paying the ransom is a reasonable course of action. However, compliance is possibly the worst thing the victim could do.

This malware uses victim identification to gain access to computers and systems, encrypting the data and delivering the victim a message to pay the ransom within a specific timeframe. If the victim doesn’t pay the money, it will delete the data or expose it.

These practices are exactly why ransomware attacks are some of the most newsworthy types of malware.


  • What is the most harmful malware?

Ransomware is described as one of the most harmful types of malware as it can lead to devastating consequences if the victim doesn’t comply with the hacker’s demands. Paying the ransom is described as a “double-edged sword” since it puts the victim in an unwinnable position.

  • How many types of malware exist?

A total of 10 types of malware exist. The list includes viruses, worms, Trojans, ransomware, botnets, adware, spyware, rootkits, fileless malware, and malvertising.



Kalin Anastasov

Freelance wordsmith in love with personal finance. Crafting stories, decoding money, and navigating the twenties. 📚💰