What Microsoft 365 Administrators Need to Know About Backups?

Michael Felton
Published in
4 min readNov 7, 2023

Microsoft 365 administrators are the sentinels of their organization’s digital realm, holding the crucial responsibility of managing, securing, and preserving the vast swathes of data that flow through the Microsoft 365 suite. In the modern enterprise, backups are not just a safety net but an imperative strategy to combat data loss from human errors, cyber threats, and technical malfunctions.

While Microsoft provides certain native backup features, the increasing complexity and volume of data have led businesses to adopt robust Microsoft 365 total backup solutions, ensuring comprehensive protection. As we delve deeper, we’ll explore the nuances of backups in M365 and why an additional layer of security is becoming a standard for diligent administrators.

10 Things Microsoft 365 Administrators Need to Know About Backups

As a Microsoft 365 administrator, understanding the intricacies of backups within the platform is paramount to ensuring your organization’s data remains secure and recoverable. Here’s a closer look at the key aspects:

Data Protection and Retention Policies

While Microsoft 365 includes default retention periods for protecting data, customizing data retention policies to align with your business needs and regulatory requirements is vital. This includes managing how long data stored on platforms like Exchange Online and SharePoint Online is retained before being permanently deleted.

Exchange Online and SharePoint Online

For services like Exchange Online, third-party backup can help you recover data that is beyond the default retention periods set by Microsoft. Similarly, SharePoint sites, which host a significant amount of organizational data, require backups to prevent data loss and ensure data management aligns with business continuity plans.

Recovery Point Objective (RPO)

Understanding and setting an appropriate RPO is essential. It defines the maximum age of files that must be recovered from backup storage for normal operations to resume after a failure. An effective third-party backup service will allow you to minimize RPO and, thus, data loss.

Retention Periods and Policies

M365’s default retention policies might not suffice for all the data an organization handles. Implementing a third-party backup vendor allows administrators to set retention periods that are more suited to the specific data protection needs of their organization.

Comprehensive Backup Coverage

It’s important to ensure that backups cover all critical data across various M365 services. A third-party backup should provide comprehensive coverage to include all data centers and the diverse set of applications within Microsoft 365.

Security Breaches

In the case of security breaches, having a reliable backup can be the difference between quick recovery and significant disruption. Ensure your backup vendor offers robust security features to protect backup data.

Additional Storage Costs

While third-party backups are crucial, they come with additional storage costs. Administrators must balance the need for comprehensive backups with the financial implications and choose a service that offers cost-effective solutions without compromising on essential features.

Data Management

Effective data management is about having a clear overview of what data is being backed up, how frequently backups are taken, and how quickly data can be restored. Your backup strategy must address these elements to ensure that data recovery can be performed efficiently.

Third-Party Backup Solutions

Microsoft’s native tools offer some level of backup, but for a comprehensive backup strategy that mitigates risks from security breaches and accidental deletions, a third-party backup solution is essential. Such solutions provide additional storage costs but offer more control over the backup data and recovery point objectives.

Protecting Data

Ultimately, the role of an M365 administrator in the context of backups is to ensure that all aspects of protecting data are addressed — from how data is backed up and stored to how it is managed and recovered.

Wrapping Up

Microsoft 365 administrators hold the crucial task of implementing a robust backup strategy that goes beyond the default offerings of the suite. Third-party backup solutions fill the gaps in data protection and retention policies, ensuring that data stored in services like Exchange Online and SharePoint Online is comprehensively secured against loss or corruption.

With tailored retention periods, attention to recovery point objectives, and vigilance against security breaches, administrators can safeguard all the data within an organization’s Microsoft 365 environment. Although additional storage costs from third-party services are a consideration, the investment pales in comparison to the value of protecting data and the smooth recovery mechanisms these solutions provide.

Effective data management through backups ensures that, even in the event of a mishap, the organization can recover data promptly, maintaining business continuity and the trust of stakeholders.



Michael Felton

Tech enthusiast, nature lover, father of 3. 10+ years of experience writing for IT blogs.