
Backwater Publications
1 day ago

stone mosaic for the garden

Ellipses, stone mosaic 12"x10" ©Delfino Cornali 2024

I designed these nested ellipses with varied widths to give the impression of this being alive and organic. The pattern implies an imaginary ray through an off-center, separating the ellipses into darker & lighter halves in keeping to the asymmetrical theme.

I selected stones with complimentary dark & light tones: Turkish Aegean Rose matched with a red onyx; yellow travertine with a Verona gold marble; Spanish Crema Marafil marble matched to China white; peacock green marble matched against Nishan marble; all surrounding a nucleus of blue sodalite.

This is the fourth in a series of five stepping stones.




Backwater Publications

Pastel artist, bread baker, runner, backpacker, traveler, gardener, mosaicist, @home in the Idaho foothills w/my partner Michele enjoying owl/coyote serenades.