Life and the City

the web of life hidden beneath every footstep

Backwater Publications
Jun 15, 2024


Life and the City, travertine marble mosaic 12" x 10" ©Delfino Cornali 2024

My idea for this mosaic was to portray the “rivers of life” that traverse the world beneath our feet — a flow like tendrils or neurons — with a background of rectilinear patterns. Buildings. Cities. Streets. I’ve reversed the foreground/backgrounds from what we might expect. The natural flows dominant in the image, as if we were observing the rivers from below, the distant man-made objects a blur of background noise.

As Thoreau once said — “Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.”

I have outlined the lower & left sides of the tendrils in black stone, to give the tendrils a three-dimensional appearance. I’ve set this mosaic stepping stone, aligning the shadows to the north and east.

This is the second in a series of five stepping stones.




Backwater Publications

Pastel artist, bread baker, runner, backpacker, traveler, gardener, mosaicist, @home in the Idaho foothills w/my partner Michele enjoying owl/coyote serenades.