Vandals Are Doing Damage In All Types Of Places

You may not be safe anywhere

Floyd Mori
Backwater Publications


(Image is author’s)

Vandalism is a senseless crime that takes several forms.

It is likely true that most vandalism is done by teenagers or young adults who have little to do but cause trouble. They may be on the road to prison or ruining their lives because of these senseless crimes.

These are mostly young people who are trying to get some enjoyment out of life. They may think they are having fun as they deface property and cause damage to random innocent victims. It’s a sick type of enjoyment.

Their crimes could escalate into worse acts which could cause them to serve prison time.

Everyone sees vandalism when they travel around cities. There is graffiti nearly everywhere. That is a form of vandalism, which is defacing public or private property. It is a shame that they don’t use their talents in legal ways as some of them appear to be good artists. Painting graffiti is a crime of vandalism, but it usually does not harm or injure human beings.

We live in a nice neighborhood in Salt Lake City, Utah. It is an area of some older homes and some very expensive mansion type homes. There should not be crime here, but vandals do sometimes hit the area.



Floyd Mori
Backwater Publications

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits.