A Closer Look At The Greatest Short Story Ever Written

An Ancient Tale of Homecoming and Second Chances, and What it Means for Us

Dan Foster
Backyard Church
Published in
13 min readJun 26, 2024


Image by ysbrandcosijn on iStock

You would think that Charles Dickens would have an eye for a compelling narrative. After all, he was one of the greatest authors of all time. Yet, for the man who brought us “A Tale of Two Cities” and “Great Expectations,” there was one story that he rated as the greatest short story ever written.

That story is the timeless parable found in the Gospel of Luke, known as the Prodigal Son.

Now, before you tune out because, like me, you grew up in Sunday School and heard this story a thousand times, I want to invite you to come with me on a journey and consider this story with fresh eyes. Because this is much more than a story. Its enduring relevance lies not just in its religious context but in its universal themes that speak to the human condition across cultures and generations — whether you are a person of faith or not.

To borrow from the wisdom of a modern sage, Shrek: Picture an onion. Not the tear-inducing kind (though this story may evoke emotions), but one with layers upon layers, each revealing something new and intriguing. The Prodigal Son is just like that onion. This tale is much more than meets the eye, and to truly appreciate its depth, we…



Dan Foster
Backyard Church

Writer, Poet, Blogger: Tackling life, faith, culture, religion, politics, and spirituality. Connect with me: https://linktr.ee/DanFosterWriter