Does “Woke” Apply to Gay Christians?

The Silencing of the Oppressed

Mike Rosebush, PhD
Backyard Church
6 min readMar 14, 2023


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American politics are greatly split over the concept of “woke” and are using it as a primary political chess piece. What exactly is woke? And, importantly, are gay Christians receiving social injustice from the Republican Party and Evangelicals?

“Woke” was originally used to represent awareness of Black racism. Generally, it is now being applied toward understanding information about marginalized people, social injustice, and awareness of how systems of oppression play out in American culture.

Are gay Christians being oppressed by the Republican Party and the Evangelicals?


In the Republican Party, hundreds of bills have recently been attempting to silence the awareness of what it is to be gay. And in Evangelicalism, there has always been a system of treating gay Christians as “lesser thans” who should not receive justice and righteousness.

Republicans and Evangelicals are not playing fair with gay Christians — and they may suffer dire consequences accordingly. How so? Their tribal populations are shrinking.

“Justice” and “righteousness” are a huge deal to God. The concept of justice demands that every human life be treated with dignity; all deserve the same equal status. Thus, no one’s life is more valuable than another person’s. All humans are made in God’s image — as precious beings, fully loved, equally, by their Creator. And every category of human merits receiving Jesus’ “others first” kind of love. The children’s Sunday school song sings: “Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight — Jesus loves the little children of the world.”

In addition to loving little children, Jesus loves gay men and women. Such is true regardless of the gay person’s color, age, physical attractiveness, wealth, or fame. Jesus’ love even extends beyond a person’s religion and faith practice.

Similarly, the concept of righteousness declares that right relationships must exist between people. Thus, if I have oppressed another person, I am responsible for righting the relationship.

Injustice occurs wherever unrighteousness shows its ugly face. In Jesus’ economy, one person does not have the authority to push down another human. No subset group of humans (e.g., one’s nationality, tribe, race, sex, sexual orientation, political party, etc.) deserves to push down another for their gain.

Sadly, the record of humans has consistently demonstrated that the more powerful groups provide injustice to the weaker. The vulnerable, disadvantaged, marginalized, and voiceless have typically been oppressed — so the more powerful gain an advantage.

As a gay Christian, I have observed how some of Republicans and Evangelical Christians struggle with the divine directive to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.” I have professionally counseled or personally mentored thousands of gay Brothers-in-Christ. And too many of these friends have told me sad (even tragic) tales of how their Evangelical Christian church prevents gay Brothers and Sisters from having the same privileges as the straight members of the same church.

And if you want to see how Republicans are trying to silence the gay voice, read some of the recent laws in Florida schools.

It strikes me as an injustice that gay people are excluded from becoming church members, or if already a member, from holding leadership positions within their church or being married to another gay man. The inequity continues if one announces s/he is “gay.”

The injustice is especially demonstrated toward self-outed gay couples. Two men in a relationship cannot attend their local church’s pre-marriage training in many Christian churches. Furthermore, the couple cannot become married in their church building, attend their church’s parenting training, and have themselves or their children baptized in their local church. Such is typically the policy of major Christian denominations (i.e., Evangelical Protestant, Catholic, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). Accordingly, the local churches within such mega denominations must abide by their “higher authorities” — while disregarding their “highest Authority.”

Many Christians are not even permitted to call themselves “gay” in many Evangelical denominations. Such Brothers and Sisters are not only excluded from “being heard,” they furthermore must deny their sexual identity and become invisible. In such Christian churches, gays have become marginalized and oppressed and are treated as a “lesser than.” Sob.

And I should know.

When I was a closeted gay Christian, I, too, sometimes oppressed my fellow gay Brothers and Sisters — by remaining silent. I knew that to speak out in support of gays might “out” myself. Thus, my silence helped me hold an advantage over men who outed themselves. I was a coward, cowering in the shadows so I would not lose my privileges.

Now, losing one’s income is no minor deal. It is an enormous, crushing loss. And losing one’s value with family members or friends is sometimes an even more tragic loss. Just witness all of the gay men who have committed suicide due to family rejection!

Yet, such professional and familial rejection only highlights the reality of the injustice.

I formerly was “part of the problem” rather than a courageous voice. My passive silence put all of the hope of cultural change upon the backs of other gay Christians. I let them stand for justice (hoping that one day all gay Brothers and Sisters would be treated equitably) while I continued enjoying the rewards of staying closeted. Thus, I failed my dear Brothers and Sisters in following God’s proverb:

“Bring about just righteousness. Open your mouth for those who cannot speak for themselves.”

Not anymore.

I now make other gay people’s oppression my problem. And “justice” and “righteousness” require me to speak for those LGBTQ+ individuals who are too afraid to do so.

Like Michael Jackson says in his song, “I’m starting with the man in the mirror.” I pray I will listen — and courageously enact the words of the prophet: “Do what is just and right. Rescue the marginalized from the hand of their oppressor.”

I have realized that Jesus does not have a problem being a friend to everyone. Jesus was the most approachable person who ever lived. He welcomed the company of the poor and homeless, the sick, and the physically disabled. Jesus also was a friend to sinners — people who missed the mark in acting virtuously. People like me. And Jesus forgave people who owed a debt — seventy times seven times!

Furthermore, Jesus invited His abusers to come and be with Him. He allowed Himself to be horrifically tortured and executed. And just before expiring, Jesus pleaded that His killers not be prevented from receiving grace.

And yet, there was a type of human behavior that was incredibly annoying to Jesus: people who pushed down the outcasts to maintain their haughty and lofty status. And boy-oh-boy, did this ever infuriate Jesus!

There is no question that the Church that represents Jesus’ name has been exaggeratedly hostile toward LGBTQ+ individuals. There are lots of reasons behind their condemning posture. Most re-enact their belief that they are “defending Jesus” whenever they exclude LGBTQ+ individuals from everyone else in “the family of Jesus.”

As for me — a gay Christian — Jesus is not merely my friend. Incredibly, Jesus was gentle enough to love me — exactly as I am.

Therefore, I feel honored to be associated with the term “woke.” And I am saddened by how my Republican and Evangelical friends oppress gays.

So, I will allow Jesus to have the final word regarding justice and righteousness.

“Watch out for the hypocritical Bible scholars. They like to walk around and be noticed by others, receive greetings in the marketplaces, and have reserved seats in churches and places of honor in social settings. They defraud the powerless — and all the while making lengthy, show-off public prayers. These men will receive the greater condemnation.”

Dr. Mike Rosebush (Ph.D., Counseling Psychology; he, him, his) is the Creator and editor of GAYoda, plus a writer for Backyard Church. He may be contacted at



Mike Rosebush, PhD
Backyard Church

Lover of Jesus | Gay Married| Founder/Writer “GAYoda” | Counselor/Encourager